The key issue for me is the extent to which the advice and recommendations made in the reports are acted on in the NHS and whether safer practice results. As we closed the year, the Institute of...
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is legally required to set standards of proficiency, education and training for nursing and midwifery professionals seeking to join the register
White blood cells (leukocytes) are key in fighting infection and ingesting dead cells, tissue debris, mutated cancerous cells and foreign bodies that enter the blood stream, such as allergens via...
There are five paediatric ANPs working with children and young people (CYP) and two adult ANPs working with teenage and young adults (TYA) at the Trust. The remit of roles includes:.
This quality improvement project had a focus on the evidence-based care of patients with decompensated liver disease, which could potentially impact on safety outcomes and mortality rate. The aim was...
‘This unsustainable situation is driven by an outdated legal system rather than deteriorating clinical standards. Legal reform is desperately needed.’
When a person with a mental disorder is prosecuted it is open to them to argue that they are not guilty by reason of insanity. This legal defence is available at common law to any criminal charge. For...
The invisibility of financial insecurity and poverty means that for best outcomes, nurses and midwives should not wait for the person to ask for help. Instead, they should talk to people in their care...
Over the past 2 years the pandemic has dominated the world's attention, leading to a focus on health and how pandemics can impact on the lives and livelihoods of individuals. We have once again seen,...
The resource highlights four key areas that make up the nursing and midwifery anti-racism resource framework, with actions for consideration as an individual, and as a leader. The resource also...
Increased age may result in significant changes, such as the accumulation of harmful substances and the lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the body (Fusco et al, 2007; Rahal et al, 2014)....
Many patients experience profound symptoms during and after cancer treatment, which may result from the local effects of the cancer itself, the metabolic response to the cancer, including cachexia,...
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