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Advanced Practice

Conducting a consultation and clinical assessment of the skin for advanced clinical practitioners

As with any consultation, when obtaining a history, questions should be presented in an open and sensitive manner. This is particularly pertinent for a skin complaint as patients may not know the...

Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning of the heart and cardiovascular system

Chest pain is a common complaint, comprising up to 25% of emergency department attendances (Byrne, 2014). Not all of these will have a cardiac complaint; however, it is crucial to recognise important...

Implementing a surgical first assistant role into that of a clinical nurse specialist at an orthopaedic specialist hospital

The Perioperative Care Collaborative (PCC) (2018) defines an SFA as ‘registered practitioner providing continuous, competent and dedicated surgical assistance under direct supervision of the operating...

Taking advanced clinical practice to the streets: an evaluation of the benefits and challenges in homeless health care

The definition of homelessness includes people sleeping rough, sofa-surfing or living in squats, emergency shelters or hostels (Homeless Link, 2014). Socially excluded people are 10 times more likely...

The reliability and validity of the OSCE as an assessment of capability within advanced practitioner curricula

The Advanced Practice Team at the University of Dundee has held iterative discussions with educators (both in the UK and other countries in Europe) who deliver AP curricula. These discussions have...

Consultation and clinical assessment of the heart and cardiovascular system

There is clearly a wide range of considerations in the history due to the variety of pathologies that can present. These will be explored in more depth in the next article, together with discussion of...

Non-medical prescribing students: assessment and supervision of learning in practice for nurses and midwives

In 2018, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018a; 2018b) published new standards governing the supervision and assessment of aspiring nurse and midwife prescribers, which have now been embedded...

A week in the life of a urology advanced nurse practitioner

‘The holistic assessment of the patient is something I enjoy … Being able to manage a whole episode of care makes me feel that I can make a significant impact’ .

Prescribing practice: an overview of the principles

UK prescribing law is ever changing, so it is important that prescribers consistently update their knowledge of legislation. There are several legal, professional, and regulatory frameworks to support...

Advanced clinical practitioners in haematology and oncology

As well as the ability to autonomously conduct history taking and physical examination skills, the ACPs in the team complete several clinical procedures including bone marrow biopsies, central venous...

General practice nurses' experiences of participation in an advanced nursing practice education programme

‘Enhanced and expanded healthcare services and interventions provided by nurses who, in an advanced capacity, influence clinical healthcare outcomes and provide direct healthcare services to...

Providing post-lung transplant care during the time of COVID-19

The Mater hospital had been preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic since December 2019 because it houses the national isolation unit for infectious diseases. This facility is designed to admit, isolate...

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