This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Global perspectives: learning from the experiences of nursing students during the pandemic to enhance education

The pandemic led to substantial changes in the delivery of nursing education and clinical placements for nursing students (Rosa et al, 2020). Numerous educational institutions transitioned to online...

Experiences and evaluation of the new standards for student supervision and assessment

Three major themes were identified from the data: training related to the SSSA, organisational support, and expectations from students, practice assessors, and practice supervisors.

Looking after you: how to cope with day-to-day life as a student nurse

So, take a breath and let's talk about looking after you. Here are some things that I and my fellow students do to keep our mental and physical health on track (somewhat):.

As another academic year begins: here's some friendly advice

I find this last piece of advice key. Often, we find ourselves staying up all night in libraries or running on fumes after shifts, trying to get those precious few proficiencies signed off or begging...

Virtual reality with artificial intelligence-led scenarios in nursing education: a project evaluation

Student nurses in parts 1 and 2 of pre-registration nursing programmes were invited to participate in two VR scenarios, comprising different AI interaction methods (menu-based and voice-controlled)....

Supporting students to return to study following course interruption (SuTuRe)

The aims of this study were to examine the reasons why pre-registration student nurses interrupt their studies and consider ways to enable them to return and succeed in completing the course..

Comparison of first-year nursing students' GAD-7 scores: a pilot study focusing on Generation Z

This study aimed to assess self-reported anxiety levels in first-year undergraduate nursing students prior to or at the start of their first post-pandemic placement..

Engaging nursing students with a behaviour change intervention designed to improve their lifestyle

In this study, participants were invited to share personal data, including their weight. To ensure ethical guidelines were strictly followed, the research proposal was reviewed and approved by the...

Clinical placement insights: expectations and responsibilities

During your first-year placements, you'll have the chance to become familiar with healthcare settings, whether in a hospital or community. It's a time to understand the nurse's role, what is expected...

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