Accidental poisoning occurs frequently in children, particularly in those aged <6 years, who may unknowingly ingest harmful substances while exploring their environment (BMJ Best Practice, 2024)....
‘Sussex Police started looking in 2023 into an initial 105 cases, but BBC File On 4 Investigates has learned that number is now more than 200.’ .
Romaine Mitchell, Nurse/Midwife, Sussex and Hampshire.
This research focused on a reliability study of the MK5. To establish inter- and intra-rater reliability as sensitively as possible authentic video material was collected, enabling assessments of...
All the consultations touch on care quality and NHS patient safety. One will have a knock-on effect on another, so they should not be considered in isolation from each other. There all form part of a...
Martha's Rule emerged from the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of 13-year-old Martha Mills from sepsis in 2021. The Coroner concluded that she would not have died had she been moved earlier...
We will never be able to stop the regular swathe of patient safety reports, policies, guidelines, recommendations etc – and nor should we. Health care is also everybody's business. We are all touched...
Confidence in the NHS patient safety, health regulatory and governance framework has been, in my view, seriously damaged by the performance shortcomings of the CQC, and only time will tell whether it...
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