The department I work in supports people receiving care as part of a directly commissioned highly specialist service for patients with neurofibromatosis. Highly specialist services such as this are...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global, non-communicable disease, responsible for 2.4 million deaths per year. It is now the sixth fastest-growing cause of death in Malaysia, with more than 7000 new...
MS is a chronic inflammatory condition, affecting the central nervous system, which leads to the formation of lesions in the white and grey matter, as well as diffuse damage and neurodegeneration of...
The findings from this study identified that pituitary conditions can have a detrimental impact on the quality of life of patients. Key symptoms were those that affected emotional, behavioural,...
Patients were interviewed and completed the questionnaire at the surgical clinic when they came to obtain colostomy supplies during the postoperative period. The researchers administered the...
Nurses, who work in a variety of settings ranging from clinics to home, play an important role in monitoring the risk of malnutrition among post-COVID patients, as well as being on the front line of...
In many respects the pathological morbidities associated with long COVID resemble those of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Some of the most common...
Alcohol is a teratogen that has a toxic effect on the developing fetus (BMA, 2007a). FASD is seen as a non-diagnostic umbrella term (Riley et al, 2011; Nash and Davies, 2017; Blagg and Tulich, 2018)...
The authors undertook a retrospective review of clinical records and the IBD database from January 2019 to September 2020 at the Evelina London Children's Hospital, a tertiary paediatric...
The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) updated their diagnostic guidance for CD in 2012, recommending a no-biopsy pathway (NBP) for symptomatic...
Bladder and/or bowel dysfunction in MS can occur at the onset of the disease or any time during its course. It can impact either the bladder or bowel directly, through plaques damaging the areas of...
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