This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Going above and beyond: using nursing theories to explore volunteerism during the COVID-19 pandemic

The legitimacy of any profession is built on its ability to generate and apply theory (Johnson, 1974). Theories are mental patterns or constructs created to help understand and find meaning from...

The experiences of adult nursing students completing a placement during the COVID-19 pandemic

The first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic subjected health and social care systems around the world to unprecedented pressure (Department of Health and Social Care, 2020). In order to meet service...

Nutrition therapy for long COVID

Nurses, who work in a variety of settings ranging from clinics to home, play an important role in monitoring the risk of malnutrition among post-COVID patients, as well as being on the front line of...

Using simulation exercises to improve student skills and patient safety

‘A technique to replace or amplify real experiences with guided experiences, often immersive in nature, that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully safe, instructive and...

The exacerbation of inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic

‘It seems your health, opportunities and income are wholly reliant on the particular rung of the British social ladder on which you are positioned’ .

Providing community intravenous therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Early outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) services in the UK were developed by a few clinical enthusiasts. These services have become widely recognised and, in turn, have been able to...

Enhancing the utility of virtual surgical pre-assessment

All consultant anaesthetists (n=6) and the sister-in-charge in the department (representing the views of the nurses) who were directly involved in telephone pre-assessment during the COVID-19...

We need a clear strategy on vaccination

This month, Ford (2021) reported that the Royal College of Nursing had written to a hospital trust expressing concerns about its decision to redeploy nurses who declined the COVID-19 vaccine to...

Providing post-lung transplant care during the time of COVID-19

The Mater hospital had been preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic since December 2019 because it houses the national isolation unit for infectious diseases. This facility is designed to admit, isolate...

Strategies and policies to tackle the problems associated with long COVID

In many respects the pathological morbidities associated with long COVID resemble those of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Some of the most common...

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