This website is intended for healthcare professionals


The challenges of wound management for hidradenitis suppurativa

Painful chronic wounds appear with discharge, odour, and complications such as infection and tunnelling, which can lead to scarring and disfigurement (Figure 2). Often reduced mobility and physical...

The frequency of early stomal, peristomal and skin complications

The aim of this study was to analyse the onset of stomal, peristomal and skin complications one month (30 days) after ostomy creation (early complications)..

Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning when advanced practitioners assess and treat skin conditions

The possible list of differential diagnoses within the integumentary system is vast (Lynch, 1994). Although it is unlikely that those working outside the dermatology specialty will have a depth of...

Conducting a consultation and clinical assessment of the skin for advanced clinical practitioners

As with any consultation, when obtaining a history, questions should be presented in an open and sensitive manner. This is particularly pertinent for a skin complaint as patients may not know the...

Multinational survey on living with an ostomy: prevalence and impact of peristomal skin complications

To date, this Ostomy Life Study 2019 is the largest global survey performed on this topic. The results presented here underline the high prevalence of PSCs and the associated challenges present within...

Preventing medical adhesive-related skin injury (MARSI)

The skin is the largest organ of the body and performs many critical functions. It is a physical barrier to microorganisms and irritants. The pH of the skin has an antimicrobial function, so assists...

Can teledermatology meet the needs of the remote and rural population?

In 2018, the Cochrane database of systematic reviews analysed 22 studies with this sole objective: ‘to determine the diagnostic accuracy of teledermatology for the detection of any skin cancer in...

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