This website is intended for healthcare professionals


A multidisciplinary learning approach: training, preparation and role transition

A cross-section mixed-methods design survey was developed to explore learner experiences of ANP/ACP training and role transition. Evaluation research methodologies and their application were examined...

A multidisciplinary learning approach: a narrative review

The SPIDER (sample, phenomenon of interest, design, evaluation and research type) was used to develop eligibility criteria, develop a search strategy and facilitate rigour in the research (Cooke et...

Exploring the complexity of student nurse relationships with adolescent patients when placing nasogastric tubes

The practice of NG tube insertion originates from ancient Greece and Egypt, where tubing inserted rectally infused nutrient solutions for the treatment of bowel conditions (Chernoff, 2006; National...

Observed structured clinical examination as a means of assessing clinical skills competencies of ANPs

OSCEs were primarily introduced in medical education as a means of assessing the skills and ability of surgical students, rather than a test of factual knowledge (Cuschieri et al, 1979). The use of...

Exploring barriers, motivators and solutions to achieve a healthy lifestyle among undergraduate student nurses

To support comparability with the findings of Malik et al (2011), the authors followed their methodology of using a cross-sectional online questionnaire to record nursing students' own perceptions of...

Developing pre-registration nurses' resilience to mass casualty situations through the pedagogy of simulation

A mass casualty event has been defined as ‘an event which generates more patients at one time than locally available resources can manage using routine procedures. It requires exceptional emergency...

Valuing the role of educators in practice: Greater Manchester's framework

‘More targeted support is required for those educating our healthcare learners and for those who lead on setting the culture for practice learning’ .

Writing for publication: responding to peer review feedback

The first point to consider is that unless the paper is rejected, the journal wants to publish the work. The feedback is aimed at enabling you to develop the article to the standard required by the...

Understanding those ‘future nurses’

‘Who are these “future nurses”? What, and who, has shaped and inspired their decisions? What excites and worries them most about their next steps? … What can we learn from these individuals to shape...

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