This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Fellowship, education and benevolence is core to The Company of Nurses

Creating a livery company for the nursing profession was a way to bring nurses together, wherever and whenever they had trained. Fellowship, help with education and professional development—and...

Global patient safety initiatives and the NHS

The WHO's work in global patient safety has had a direct influence on NHS efforts to develop an ingrained patient safety culture. Some useful materials and initiatives have been developed. In...

Social prescribing: collaboration in times of stability and crisis

‘Supporting people, via social prescribing link workers, to make community connections and discover new opportunities, building on individual strengths and preferences, to improve health and...

Safe and effective use of phototherapy and photochemotherapy in the treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, multisystem inflammatory disease, predominantly affecting the skin and the joints, which is present in 2–3% of the world's population (Ayala-Fontánez et al, 2016). The precise...

Physical health assessment for people with a severe mental illness

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that uses any interaction between a health professional and a patient as an opportunity to engage with a patient to make positive...

Hypovolaemic shock

Shock is generally classified according to its cause. There are four main pathological mechanisms that can result in a state of shock (Vincent and De Backer, 2013; Stratton, 2019):.

The journey from nurse to advanced nurse practitioner: applying concepts of role transitioning

Advanced nursing practice has been in existence internationally for over 50 years, with the USA spearheading developments in the 1960s (Begley et al, 2010). Many countries subsequently followed suit,...

Redefining undergraduate nurse teaching during the coronavirus pandemic: use of digital technologies

It is not clear when universities will reopen, allowing for the resumption of the delivery of nurse education that provides the face-to-face and online theoretical learning opportunities. What we do...

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