This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Mental Health

Reaching out to patients with alcohol and drug misuse problems

Before 2022, the hospital's Alcohol Liaison nurse only saw patients referred through the EPR system, generally averaging 22 people a month. However, in 2022, with extra resources, the service was able...

Putting patient wellbeing and confidence at the heart of the service

This was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide vital links with patients when they were unable to attend the outpatient clinic. Contributions from patients and the volunteers helped to...

Don't ignore the warning signs: take action on stress

“Look after yourselves so that you can look after your patients … and live as fulfilling life as you desire”.

Suicide: children and young adults

Suicide was the leading cause of death among children and young adults in Scotland between 2011 and 2020. Public Health Scotland (PHS) (2022a) determined that around a quarter (25.7%) of all deaths in...

Becoming an inner ally: the compassionate minds approach to self-compassion − an online programme

Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is a psychotherapy approach developed by Professor Paul Gilbert (2010) that integrates concepts from cognitive behavioural therapy, evolutionary psychology,...

Use of hospital and limitation directions under the Mental Health Act 1983

The Crime (Sentences) Act 1997 introduced hospital and limitation directions into the Mental Health Act 1983. Section 45A of the Mental Health Act 1983 allows the Crown Court to issue a hospital...

Insanity as a defence to a criminal charge

When a person with a mental disorder is prosecuted it is open to them to argue that they are not guilty by reason of insanity. This legal defence is available at common law to any criminal charge. For...

Suicide and women living with and beyond a breast cancer diagnosis

It was proposed to undertake a review of the literature on suicide in cancer patients or following a cancer diagnosis. The aim of the literature review was twofold:.

Leave of absence under the Mental Health Act 1983

‘Grant to any patient who is for the time being liable to be detained in a hospital under this Part of this Act leave to be absent from the hospital subject to such conditions (if any) as that...

COVID-19 outbreak management in a mental healthcare setting

An outbreak has been defined as two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19, or clinically suspected cases of COVID-19, among individuals associated with a specific setting with onset dates within 14 days...

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