This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Setting up a nurse-led 2-week-wait head and neck cancer diagnostic service

As a smaller scale alternative solution to these imminent capacity issues in a large London head and neck cancer referral centre at Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, it was proposed that the...

Improving healthcare transition for young people with cancer: factors fundamental to the quality improvement journey

The QI project aimed to establish pathways and processes that facilitated the successful transition of young people with cancer from children's into adults' healthcare services, thereby promoting...

The emotional boundary seesaw model to help cancer clinical nurse specialists work with patients who challenge them

It is accepted within the psychological literature that people often establish ways of coping with the aim of moving themselves away from or lessening the intensity of strong or unbearable emotions...

Oxford Spine Buddies: an acceptability and feasibility project for peer-to-peer support in a spine sarcoma service

The idea of creating the peer-to-peer support system came from a PPI event that was organised by the Oxford Spine Sarcoma Service. For this PPI event, service users of the spine sarcoma pathway were...

Exploring health professionals' knowledge of cancer-related pain: a scoping review

The debate regarding health professionals' knowledge of pain is well documented throughout the literature, with early work dating back to the 1980s (McCaffery and Ferrell, 1997). Throughout the...

Ovarian cancer red flags: help prevent delayed diagnosis

Symptoms of ovarian cancer are non-specific and are often accepted by women as normal changes associated with ageing, such as menopause (Bankhead et al, 2008). This is a dangerous misconception that...

Improving care for head-and-neck and thyroid cancer patients

‘At the centre of care has been the ongoing communication and engagement with patients, which has helped to shape the delivery of the service’ .

Living with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a nested qualitative study

The primary outcome measure, used to power the quantitative study, assessed change in a patient's self-declared most troublesome CIPN symptom using the Measure Yourself Medical Outcomes Profile...

Patient satisfaction of specialist nurse-led renal cancer follow-up

The study aimed to assess patient satisfaction levels with specialist nurse-led renal cancer follow-up. It was hoped that this would help validate the use of the service in this centre and also...

Working to improve the care of men with prostate cancer

I qualified as a nurse in 2011 and gained my first nursing role in Scarborough General Hospital. My career has mostly consisted of working in endoscopy environments and colorectal roles. I moved in to...

Advances in the management of myeloma: an update

When suspicion of myeloma is raised, a number of investigations are required to confirm the diagnosis. These include bone marrow aspirate and biopsy. The presence of plasma cells greater than 10%...

Development of online cancer resources to support pre-registration nurses and allied health professionals

Following review of existing e-learning resources, a programme called Cancer Nursing Careers was identified on the HEE e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) platform. Cancer Nursing Careers consists of...

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