This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Patient Safety

Blood and blood products transfusion errors: what can we do to improve patient safety?

A literature search enabled the identification of relevant studies to be included in this review. Computerised databases including CINAHL, Medline and Cochrane were searched, with appropriate key...

Duties of candour: being open and honest with patients

‘Staff were disrespectful to women and disparaging about the capabilities of colleagues in front of women and families. A family member heard a consultant describe the unit they were in as “unsafe”...

Patients' experience of robotic-assisted surgery: a qualitative study

The aim of this study was to explore patient-reported experiences of RAS..

Asking the fundamental questions

Henrietta Hughes, the Patient Safety Commissioner, has shared her ideas on several patient safety matters (Hughes, 2023). These include the need to hear more of the views of patients at trust board...

The importance of keeping up to date with clinical guidelines and protocols

‘All these symptoms, according to NICE guidelines, should have immediately raised a red flag for sepsis (blood poisoning) in children under five. In the hospital's own Serious Incident Report, a...

When nurses break the rules in a patient's best interests

Nurses entering the nursing profession pledge to do everything in their capacity to ensure that the care they deliver is in the best interest of their patients. However, nurses inevitably encounter...

Nurses' attitudes and barriers to incident reporting in Malta's acute general hospital

The healthcare system in Malta is based on the UK's NHS, being mainly free at the point of delivery. However, as Scerri (2014) states, there are dual systems of private and public health services. The...

Clinical negligence litigation and the NHS: focusing on the injured patient

I see this happening in some debates about reforming clinical negligence litigation. We often hear clarion calls for clinical negligence reform and the need to safeguard scarce NHS resources, which is...

Facing the consequences of poor record keeping and communication

Never Event data show the issues of poor NHS communication strategies in a tragic light. Many of these terrible events would not have happened had good communication strategies been in place. NHS...

Pressing issues in healthcare digital technologies and AI

‘If it is rolled out widely, scientists say people will be able to diagnose themselves with the illness without going to the doctor and costs for the NHS should fall.’

Reflecting on patient safety in 2022

The key issue for me is the extent to which the advice and recommendations made in the reports are acted on in the NHS and whether safer practice results. As we closed the year, the Institute of...

The actual cost of clinical negligence in the NHS

‘This unsustainable situation is driven by an outdated legal system rather than deteriorating clinical standards. Legal reform is desperately needed.’

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