The option of increasing clinical placement hours is unsustainable in a climate of controlled budgets, limited placement availability and rising learner numbers given the education provider's finite...
‘The placement could be improved through better organisation and planning for students; however, staff are much more supportive of students now than a few months ago.’ .
For some time, there have suggestions that training in sexuality and sexual issues should be part of the education of health professionals (Lawler, 1991; Haboubi and Lincoln, 2003).
Simulation in nursing programmes is as old as the development of nurse education itself. When Florence Nightingale launched the first modern educational programme for nursing students in 1860,...
As the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic reached its peak in the UK from March to May 2020, the ‘clap for carers’ campaign demonstrated the strong public appreciation of nurses and other key workers...
The ‘advanced standing programme’ (ASP), the ‘accelerated track programme’ and the ‘2-year second-degree nursing programme’ are different terms used interchangeably in North America to describe a...
‘Programme providers must ensure that students are supernumerary during all practice learning. Supernumerary means that the student will not, as part of their programme of preparation, be contracted...
The flipped classroom concept was derived by high-school chemistry teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams in 2007 (Phillips and Trainor, 2014). The idea is to flip the traditional mode of...
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