Bladder and bowel dysfunctions can have a huge impact on an individual's quality of life, both practically and psychosocially. A wide variety of products is available to manage continence...
Seen as a low priority in acute care settings (Percival et al, 2021), continence care can easily be misunderstood as being inevitable for patients. However, it is important to remember that...
This improvement programme was deemed exempt from ethics review according to local Trust policy.
The aim of the project led by the harm-free care nurse specialist for UTI and CAUTI prevention (Amy Griffiths) was to implement and promote best practice for UTI and CAUTI and to reduce the number of...
The reliability of the well-used tool of testing urine by microbiology, culture and sensitivity (MC&S) has been in question lately (Malone-Lee, 2021). Kass (1956) never claimed to define a diagnostic...
Before commencing the study, verbal consent was obtained from the three care home management teams for the Attends observer to review the assessments and the used products. There was no patient...
Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is taken from the Latin name meaning ‘horse's tail’, and describes the bundles of nerve roots that emerge from the end of the spinal cord. The nerve roots serve the...
MS is a chronic inflammatory condition, affecting the central nervous system, which leads to the formation of lesions in the white and grey matter, as well as diffuse damage and neurodegeneration of...
A radical prostatectomy may be conducted using open surgery or a minimally invasive technique, which may be a robotic procedure (NICE, 2021). In either case, the prostatic segment of the urethra and...
OAB is a clinical diagnosis based on the symptoms of urinary urgency, urge incontinence, frequency and nocturia. Bladder diaries are helpful for quantifying these symptoms and can be used to set...
One of the biggest issues I have noticed since working in the bladder and bowel sector is that urinary incontinence is widely normalised. You can easily buy containment products off the shelf in...
A UTI is defined as the presence of bacteria in disproportionate levels, along with symptoms such as urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and cystitis (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence...
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