This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Treatment trajectories of individuals diagnosed with rectal cancer: an interpretative phenomenological study

The aim of this study was to explore and understand the treatment trajectories of individuals diagnosed with rectal cancer spanning diagnosis to recovery..

Exploring the sustainable impacts of a clinical healthcare research scholarship programme

The quality improvement (SusQI) framework of sustainable value was used as the basis of our evaluation (Mortimer et al, 2018). This includes considerations of financial, environmental and social...

Creating lived experience simulations

The concept of narrative pedagogy originates from the tradition of learning from stories passed on from generation to generation. It is not a replacement for conventional pedagogies, but a valuable...

When does failing to obtain collateral history breach a nurse's duty of care?

Legally, individuals are not generally required to exercise care toward others unless a specific duty situation exists. However, in certain situations, called duty situations, the nature of the...

The NHS Constitution: a touchstone or out of touch?

Many organisations have mission, vision or value statements and drafting them is an art. There is a service industry devoted to this:.

Attracting young people into nursing

Using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) large-scale Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) (OECD, 2018), Guo and Hau (2023) showed the...

Global collaboration: improving care and outcomes for all

‘Palestinian nurses are some of the most resilient nurses I have ever worked with. They work long hours, often working multiple jobs to support their families yet still manage to deliver very high...

Implementing a closed system drug transfer device to enable nurses to prepare monoclonal antibody treatment

A risk assessment was developed considering the increased demand for MAbs, the complexity of the preparation (powder formulations, multiple dilutions, and so on), the potential toxicity of the drug...

The emotional boundary seesaw model to help cancer clinical nurse specialists work with patients who challenge them

It is accepted within the psychological literature that people often establish ways of coping with the aim of moving themselves away from or lessening the intensity of strong or unbearable emotions...

Oxford Spine Buddies: an acceptability and feasibility project for peer-to-peer support in a spine sarcoma service

The idea of creating the peer-to-peer support system came from a PPI event that was organised by the Oxford Spine Sarcoma Service. For this PPI event, service users of the spine sarcoma pathway were...

General Medical Council reform

The government is to overhaul the legislative framework governing regulated health and care professionals in the UK. This presents a rare and important opportunity to implement comprehensive reforms...

Differences between state and independent sector provision

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) (2023) defines the independent (private) healthcare sector in the UK as any provider of health, or residential nursing care, that is not part of the NHS or a GP...

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