This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Usability assessment of the MoliCare absorbent continence products by nursing specialists

Bladder and bowel dysfunctions can have a huge impact on an individual's quality of life, both practically and psychosocially. A wide variety of products is available to manage continence...

Using technology to encourage ward-culture change and provide individualised bladder care

Seen as a low priority in acute care settings (Percival et al, 2021), continence care can easily be misunderstood as being inevitable for patients. However, it is important to remember that...

Black History Month

October signals another Black History Month. It brings with it an opportunity to celebrate the ongoing commitment that Black, Asian and other minority ethnic nurses, healthcare workers and students...

Establishing a guidance toolkit for assessment of proficiencies in students

Nursing students are required to achieve a range of proficiencies and competencies in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018) standards.

Challenges involved in collecting and analysing the reported experiences of patients with lymphoedema

An initial challenge for LW was identifying a suitable PREM. Several reviews caution the interpretation of PREMs, discussing the influence of preconceived expectations, a lack of robust validation...

Promoting kidney health in people with type 2 diabetes: part 1

CKD is described as abnormalities in kidney function or structure, present in individuals for >3 months in or those with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of <60 ml/min/1.73m2 on at least...

The importance of a comprehensive geriatric assessment for older people admitted onto a virtual ward

The theoretical, composite case presented here is that of Mrs Smith, a 78-year-old female, who was widowed and lived alone. The RRT had received a referral from the North-West Ambulance Service...

Improving public health and reducing health inequalities for people with learning disabilities

Learning disability is a lifelong condition for which there is no cure. Although different for everyone, the causes and implications are similar. The foundations of a learning disability are laid when...

Supporting women with diabetes before, during and after pregnancy

The duration of my relationships with many women – where diabetes is the cause of conceptual complications – can sometimes extend to a period of diabetes management that lasts up to 2 years or more....

Creating an effective personal statement for RNAs

In the first instance when considering a new job, it is important to be sure it is what you want and where you want to work. If it is with a new employer, do your research: find out about its values...

Martha's Rule and NHS patient safety

One issue she discusses are the professional silos and hierarchies, for example:.

NHS workforce strategy: navigating challenges and charting the future

The dedication of the NHS workforce was especially evident during the COVID-19 crisis. Yet, from 2008 to 2018, challenges such as insufficient funding, suboptimal planning, and fragmented...

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