This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Challenging inequalities

Health inequalities that people with disabilities faced before COVID-19 (and they faced many) were exacerbated by the pandemic. Of those who died from COVID-19 in the first year of the pandemic, 60%...

Staff preparedness is key to successful change in the NHS

The nation should not be experiencing the current NHS crisis, which is surely down to a failure of successive government healthcare initiatives. The changes introduced by consecutive UK governments...

Is there a ‘best way’ to access compression garments?

More recently, Lymphoedema Wales Clinical Network published an economic evaluation in collaboration with medicine management personnel of the local health board pharmacy department (Thomas et al,...

Blood and blood products transfusion errors: what can we do to improve patient safety?

A literature search enabled the identification of relevant studies to be included in this review. Computerised databases including CINAHL, Medline and Cochrane were searched, with appropriate key...

An overview of menopause, and why this should feature within pre-registration education

The project is a collaboration between a pre-registration nursing student and academic staff at Liverpool John Moores University, who make up the project team. The aim has been to, first, undertake a...

Duties of candour: being open and honest with patients

‘Staff were disrespectful to women and disparaging about the capabilities of colleagues in front of women and families. A family member heard a consultant describe the unit they were in as “unsafe”...

Use of conditions in deprivation of liberty safeguard authorisations

To protect the dignity of patients by ensuring that restrictions imposed to protect that person and not overly intrusive, best interests assessors are commissioned to review the restrictions and...

Should tiredness be a trigger for action?

‘In other industries the management of rest is closely monitored. The health sector, which should be setting safety standards for others, appears to be at odds with that approach’ .

Preventing intravenous catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs)

In 2016-2017, there were an estimated 834 000 HCAIs in English hospitals alone, which was not only a figure close to treble that previously reported by the National Institute for Health and Care...

Case Studies

Intravenous (IV) access, both peripheral and central, is an integral part of the patient care pathways for diagnosing and treating cancer. Patients receiving systemic anticancer treatment (SACT) are...

Don't ignore the warning signs: take action on stress

“Look after yourselves so that you can look after your patients … and live as fulfilling life as you desire”.

A pilot study of a digital ostomy leakage notification system: impact on worry and quality of life

Despite continuous innovations in ostomy solutions, leakage of stomal effluent remains a major challenge in ostomy care. Digital health solutions, ie wearable devices and connected healthcare...

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