This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Standards of care for peripheral intravenous catheters: evidence-based expert consensus

The insertion of a PIVC is the most commonly performed invasive procedure in healthcare, yet its significance is underappreciated. Clinicians are commonly heard saying ‘it's just a peripheral,’ which...

HIV: the goal is eradication

Since 1988, World AIDS Day (1 December) has been an essential platform for raising awareness about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, addressing its challenges and advocating for the rights and health of people...

Delivering a collaborative simulation experience

In the UK, clinical placements are a significant source of practical experience and equip students with the skills required for nursing. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a shortage of clinical...

Health literacy levels of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study

This study aimed to describe the health literacy levels of people with COPD in a UK population in the Southampton/Hampshire area and explore the relationship between health literacy levels and COPD...

Dermatological assessment: history-taking and examination

Allowing the patient to tell their story without interruption is crucial (Cappella and Street, 2024). This approach helps them share their concerns and feel heard. Begin the consultation with open...

Optimising outcomes with ‘Wound Balance’ and dressings containing superabsorbent polyacrylate polymers

Hard-to-heal wounds continue to pose challenges for patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare systems, with the prevalence of wounds increasing, causing a significant financial burden (Atkin...

Keeping up to date with patient safety reports: weathering the perfect storm?

We will never be able to stop the regular swathe of patient safety reports, policies, guidelines, recommendations etc – and nor should we. Health care is also everybody's business. We are all touched...

Capacity to execute a lasting power of attorney

Executing an LPA means to create and register the instrument so that it becomes effective. The Mental Capacity Act 2005, section 9(2)(c), requires that at the time a person executes an LPA they are...

Looking after you: how to cope with day-to-day life as a student nurse

So, take a breath and let's talk about looking after you. Here are some things that I and my fellow students do to keep our mental and physical health on track (somewhat):.

Regulation and support for international registrants practising at advanced level

In discussions with the NMC, the report's author, Lisa Plotkin, Head of Policy and Influence at the FNF, said that, despite their valuable AP experience, many IENMs face challenges in having their...

The past, the present and the future

Somebody asked me recently how I decide what to write about in the Editorial for BJN's Tissue Viability Supplement. I took a moment to think and gave the briefest of answers. When I reflected on it...

Assessing and managing lower limb oedema: a clinical review

It is crucial to determine the cause of oedema because this will guide the management plan (Figure 1). Lymphoedema can be classified into primary and secondary forms. Table 1 describes the...

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