This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Workforce Issues

NHS workforce strategy: navigating challenges and charting the future

The dedication of the NHS workforce was especially evident during the COVID-19 crisis. Yet, from 2008 to 2018, challenges such as insufficient funding, suboptimal planning, and fragmented...

Unpicking disproportionate referrals

The need to take action relating to the known issue of disproportionate referrals to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) of certain groups of registrants has been one of the live areas of...

Raising the profile of nurse leadership

With no formal career path into nurse leadership identified, ENDs shared the view that shadowing senior roles was one example of invaluable support, referencing role models who were crucial to...

Nursing applications in decline

A disconcerting trend within the UK's healthcare sector has recently emerged, marked by a noticeable decrease in applications to study nursing for the academic year 2023-2024. This data, recently...

A global approach to workforce issues

‘Midwife and nurse graduates match or surpass health system demand and have the requisite knowledge, competencies and attitudes to meet national health priorities.’ .

Developing anti-racist undergraduate nursing education: themes and action

In 1950, UNESCO published a controversial Statement on Race, which declared that there was no such thing as biological race. This is supported by Golash-Boza (2016), who described ‘race’ as a social...

Nurses: ‘If you truly value us, then show it!’

As a 46-year veteran nurse, who is now retired, I wholeheartedly concur with Tiffin's (2012) statement that nursing is a process that has evolved from the position of a vocation to the status of a...

Taking action on discrimination

‘There was a constant repetition of placement areas for me and many of my cohort. The placement team seemed unable to ensure a broad and balanced experience for students and were unwilling to look...

Overcoming the nursing workforce crisis in Europe to improve care for people with non-communicable diseases

Throughout Europe, poor working conditions and high workloads (Dall'Ora et al, 2020), low pay (OECD and European Union, 2022) and a lack of career opportunities (Royal College of Nursing, 2023) are...

A focus on fitness to practise: reducing inappropriate referrals

Whoever I speak to professionally since joining the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), despite the many areas that I want to share with colleagues – such as plans to scope whether or not advanced...

Updating the standards should not mean moving the goalposts

‘There's a push to get as many nurses through as possible. I despair, the reason a [nurses' degree] programme is three [years] is because this is how we are regulated. The change in education that is...

Windrush and the NHS: a nurse's perspective

‘As descendants of the Windrush generation, our strong links to the NHS as nurses is something I take great pride in, despite the racism that persists in the NHS’.

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