This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Aby Mitchell

Senior Lecturer in Nursing Education, King's College London

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Surgical site infections in caesarean wounds

SSIs typically present with symptoms such as erythema, pain, discharge, and induration around the surgical incision, accompanied by localised signs of infection, including elevated body temperature,...

Virtual reality with artificial intelligence-led scenarios in nursing education: a project evaluation

Student nurses in parts 1 and 2 of pre-registration nursing programmes were invited to participate in two VR scenarios, comprising different AI interaction methods (menu-based and voice-controlled)....

Virtual placements in nursing education

Virtual placements are virtual clinical placements that use simulation technology to provide nursing students with practical experience in a safe and controlled environment. Students interact with...

Creating lived experience simulations

The concept of narrative pedagogy originates from the tradition of learning from stories passed on from generation to generation. It is not a replacement for conventional pedagogies, but a valuable...

Simulation in nursing: the importance of involving service users

Including patients as educators in the development of nursing simulation scenarios and as patient representatives can offer unique perspectives and insights, sharing the lived experience of service...

Assessment of diabetic foot ulcers: back to basics

The risk of developing a DFU is influenced by both individual patient characteristics and specific foot-related factors (Table 2). A foot categorised as ‘at risk’ necessitates increased levels of...

Simulated patients

One of the consistent challenges in nurse education is the lack of coordination between theory and practice. Students often encounter difficulties in the practical implementation of theoretical...

The vascular system and associated disorders

Blood vessels are often described as channels that carry blood throughout the body, forming a closed circuit that begins and ends at the heart. Blood travels through the blood vessels following a...

Psoriasis: overview, treatments and implications for nursing care

Psoriasis is a complex disease with numerous risk factors and a multifactorial inheritance pattern. Approximately one-third of affected patients have a first-degree relative with the disorder,...

The role of simulation in delivering a modern workforce

Simulation is an innovative educational technology that empowers staff to acquire and maintain essential knowledge and skills, while simultaneously reducing the incidence of clinical errors and...

Learning disability simulations for all student nurses

Student nurse training to assess, support and manage patients with learning disabilities and autism has recently become mandatory for all nursing and care staff following the inclusion of specific...

The renal system and associated disorders

The renal system plays an important role in homeostasis and its function is to filter approximately 200 litres of fluid each day and allow excretion of toxins and metabolic waste while keeping...

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