This website is intended for healthcare professionals

John Tingle

Associate Professor, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham

Considering claims against the NHS

In 2020/21 NHS Resolution received 12 629 clinical negligence claims and reported incidents, compared with 11 678 in 2019/20. This represents an increase of 951 (7.5%). The total included 973 new...

The computer says no: AI, health law, ethics and patient safety

‘Fletchers, the largest UK medical negligence law firm, has teamed up with the University of Liverpool with the aim of creating a clinical negligence ‘robot lawyer’—in practice, a decision support...

The never-ending story of Never Events in the NHS

‘Never Events are defined as Serious Incidents that are wholly preventable because guidance or safety recommendations that provide strong systemic protective barriers are available at a national...

Giving essential content to the National Patient Safety Syllabus and curricula

Under Domain 1, ‘Systems approach to patient safety’, sections include:.

Examining the new NHS National Patient Safety Syllabus

The National Patient Safety Syllabus is to be welcomed as it combines and integrates several important patient safety-related disciplines into a well-focused and proactive syllabus. The syllabus...

Making the NHS safer: learning from case reports and investigations

It is true to say that cultures do not change overnight but, in the case of the NHS, we are talking about decades. Some things never seem to change, and the same patient safety errors can be seen to...

Will the NHS ever get its complaints system right?

‘Some employers were referring nurses without any investigation at all, while half of initial enquiries to the NMC were rejected or required further work. She told The Independent this emphasis on...

Developing a just culture in the NHS

‘There is no single definition of “just culture” and most discussion of it is limited to the issue of being fair to healthcare staff.’ .

The urgent need to improve health professionals' communication skills

In a healthcare context these basic expectations of how the communication process between health professional and patient should proceed will take on an increased significance because of the power...

Patient safety: tensions, challenges and opportunities

Another contender for one of my favourite influential patient safety reports is emerging: the NHS Patient Safety Strategy (NHS England and NHS Improvement, 2019). A 2021 update has recently been...

Clinical negligence litigation reform: the link between safety and the law

Over the past 20 years or more there have been frequent discussions about how well our tort-based, civil justice compensation system is working. A key issue in these discussions is the reasons behind...

Learning the lessons from patient safety incidents

‘Staff are struggling to cope with large volumes of safety guidance, they have little time and space to implement guidance effectively, and the systems and processes around them are not always...

Towards a safer NHS?

‘Written words are not like conversation: there is no inflexion, no stress, no sense of irony, no opportunity to ask, ‘What do you mean?’. The lifeblood of everyday speech is missing. The reader...

Considering reasonable standards

Lintern (2021) reported comments made to the Independent by Professor Ted Baker, Chief Inspector of Hospitals at the Care Quality Commission (CQC):.

Looking back over the past year in patient safety

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) (2020)State of Care annual assessment of health and social care in England noted some improvement in NHS acute care, where 75% of core services were rated as good or...

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