This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Malcolm Elliott

Associate Professor, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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The enduring neglect of vital signs assessment: a concept map of contributing factors

Informed by contemporary and older research, the concept map highlights the main factors contributing to the neglect of vital signs assessment (Figure 1). Older research evidence was included as the...

The global elements of vital signs' assessment: a guide for clinical practice

Changes in respiratory function are increasingly recognised as the most sensitive indicator of clinical deterioration (Cahill et al, 2011). Respiratory rate is an early and extremely good indicator of...

Do nursing textbooks accurately describe pulse oximetry? An audit of current literature

The factors contributing to graduate nurses' pulse oximetry knowledge deficits are not clear but inadequate education may be an associated factor. It has been suggested that the origin of these...

Pulse oximetry and the enduring neglect of respiratory rate assessment: a commentary on patient surveillance

Respiration, the process of breathing in and out, is the primary function of the lungs. The purpose of this process is to bring oxygen into the body for delivery to the cells, and to remove carbon...

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