This website is intended for healthcare professionals

NHS manager regulations

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) (2024) has launched a 12-week public consultation, which began on 26 November 2024, to explore proposals aimed at enhancing accountability and...

The conundrum of supply and demand in nursing

There was great concern that the introduction of Project 2000 and moving nursing education into universities would present a barrier, but fast forward 30 years and nursing education has never been so...

Benefits of a diverse gut microbiome in systemic anti-cancer therapy patients

A microbiota is a collection of micro-organisms found in a particular environment such as on the skin or in the gut, whereas microbiome is a term to describe the collection of micro-organisms, the...

Novel digital leakage notification system can promote better stoma management routines: a multicentre clinical trial

The study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved byWest Midlands–South Birmingham Research Ethics Committee (IRAS Project-ID: 297458). It was registered on...

Novel digital leakage notification system can promote better stoma management routines: a multicentre clinical trial

The study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved byWest Midlands–South Birmingham Research Ethics Committee (IRAS Project-ID: 297458). It was registered on...

Theatre Safety Club 2024

Romaine Mitchell, Nurse/Midwife, Sussex and Hampshire.

‘Choosing Tuesday’: establishing and sustaining regular clinical supervision in advanced nursing practice

Over the past few years, much has been written on the role of clinical supervision in the education and clinical guidance of ANPs (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), 2017; Health Education...

Experiences and evaluation of the new standards for student supervision and assessment

Three major themes were identified from the data: training related to the SSSA, organisational support, and expectations from students, practice assessors, and practice supervisors.

The use of the MK5 Mobility Classes to improve safe patient handling: a reliability study

This research focused on a reliability study of the MK5. To establish inter- and intra-rater reliability as sensitively as possible authentic video material was collected, enabling assessments of...

Developing structured clinical review templates in an integrated respiratory team during COVID-19: a qualitative review

Following analysis of the semi-structured interviews in the NVivo software, 13 themes from the interviews were transcribed and thematically analysed. The themes that emerged and the interviewee...

Understanding the independent samples t test in nursing research

When using the independent samples t test, the aim is to investigate if there is a difference between the means of two samples that are independent (Heavey, 2022). With the application of this t test,...

A multifaceted and enjoyable career in mental health care, spanning clinical practice, research and policy development

This background enabled me to become the Professor of Mental Health at Middlesex University. It was here that I developed what was the UK's first multidisciplinary master's degree in the mental health...

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