This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Using a novel breathable silicone adhesive (Sil2™ technology) in stoma appliances to improve peristomal skin health: answering the key questions

Silicone is widely used in wound care, continence and stoma care accessories, due to its inert, waterproof, non-toxic, non-odorous and hypoallergenic qualities. These properties also make it a safe...

Correlation between self-efficacy and self-esteem in patients with an intestinal stoma

This descriptive-correlational study was conducted with patients with intestinal stoma who had been referred to the two hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian...

Stoma care nurses: always ready to rise to the challenge

“Specialist stoma nurses are both resilient and adaptable, thinking outside the box to find alternative ways to maintain the quality of service they provide” .

Selecting convexity to improve and maintain peristomal skin integrity

Peristomal skin should have the same appearance as the rest of the abdominal area and should ideally remain intact and free from soreness. A number of factors can affect skin integrity, which can...

An overview of sacral neuromodulation: a treatment for patients with symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction

SNM is believed to work by electrically stimulating the S3 and/or S4 sacral spinal nerves (Mitchell et al, 2011). Exactly how this produces a decrease in bladder symptoms in humans is not fully...

Intermittent self-catheterisation: a person-centred approach

Some patients who are required to start ISC are already aware of the significant symptomatic impact of their urinary retention on their daily activities. These patients may be struggling with urinary...

The importance of oral hygiene for patients on mechanical ventilation

The aim of providing good oral care is to decrease the microflora load present in a patient's oral cavity. Poor oral health has been linked to increased levels of hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP),...

An exploration of the role of advanced clinical practitioners in the East of England

The aim of the study was to examine the way in which the ACP role is used in acute and primary settings in one region of England and to understand its facilitators and barriers..

Pessary offer documentation in women undergoing surgery for pelvic organ prolapse at a tertiary care hospital

This was a retrospective cohort study conducted from January 2017 to December 2018. Consent for use of hospital records was taken from the unit head. Case records of all women who underwent vaginal...

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