This website is intended for healthcare professionals

The experience of preparing for and transitioning to registered practice

This research was designed to improve understanding of the student's experiences and expectations of the final placements of nurse training with the aim of helping to better support the transition to...

Has anyone seen the student? Creating a welcoming practice environment for students

Timely notification of a student being allocated to a placement is essential so the clinical area can prepare for their arrival. Once the name and year of study of the student are known, who will...

Using seminars as a teaching method in undergraduate nurse education

A key element of the learning unit is that students understand the 6Cs incorporated into PCP. These 6Cs are the values on which nursing care is based: care; communication; courage; competence;...

Education provision for patients following a spinal cord injury

The aim of this study was to explore patient and healthcare staff views about the information and education currently provided to people with a spinal cord injury at the LSCIC..

A review of compliance with pain assessments within a UK ICU

The literature review was conducted using Liverpool John Moores University's Discover More search tool, which was used to search a range of academic journals relevant to pain assessment in the...

Complementary and alternative medicine use during chemotherapy for neuroendocrine tumours

In Western Australia, a drop-in centre within a cancer department offering complementary therapies appeared to enable coping with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer by facilitating comfort and...

From staff nurse to nurse consultant Continuing professional development part 11: using reflection

Take a few moments to reflect on where you are in your professional career. How long have you been in your current role? What have you learnt? What are your clinical strengths? What are your...

Understanding the patient journey: a mechanism to reduce staff burnout?

The aim of this quality improvement (QI) initiative was to understand the impact, if any, of a non-clinical forum on critical care survivors and the critical care multidisciplinary team..

Improving support systems to safeguard the mental health of NHS nurses

Many nurses and other health professionals work in emotionally challenging situations, providing optimum care to service users day to day. It is interesting to note that the founder of modern nursing,...

The urgent need to make NHS mental health care safer

‘Mental health problems represent the largest single cause of disability in the UK. The cost to the economy is estimated at £105 billion a year—roughly the cost of the entire NHS.’ .

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