Undertaking an international elective has been identified as having a long-lasting effect far beyond the period of the actual stay overseas and has been widely acknowledged as having a positive impact...
A cross-sectional, multicentre study was carried out on a non-randomised convenience sample of students attending nursing degree courses at the University of Milan (San Paolo School of Nursing) and...
The hepatology research nurse role is demanding, but varied and interesting. The principal investigator (PI), usually a clinician, is ultimately responsible for patient clinical care and trial...
A nurse acting in the best interests of an incapable adult would not incur liability for arranging the admission of that person to hospital for care and treatment, even where they appeared to object...
The use of technology to manage care is as old as the use of the telephone itself. In fact, the first recorded use of telephone technology in health care occurred in 1879 when a doctor was able to...
The NHS Constitution for England (Department of Health, 2015) can be seen as an attempt to balance the healthcare equation. Rights and pledges for patients, the public and NHS staff are set out, as...
Bennett et al (2016) highlighted research across the UK showing that NHS staff from BME backgrounds often experience inequality, discrimination and prejudice in the workplace. Indeed, they are...
A BP measurement in its simplest form is a determinant of individual cardiac output (the volume of blood pumped out of the heart and into the aorta per minute) and the systematic vascular resistance...
‘Anything a person does in response to internal or external events. Actions may be overt (motor or verbal) and directly measurable, or covert (activities not viewable but involving voluntary...
People with diabetes constantly walk a tightrope between strict glycaemic control to delay and/or slow the progression of micro- and macrovascular complications.
RRSs were developed to address failures in recognition and escalation of deteriorating patients in hospital. While these systems have made some impact on the recognition of the deteriorating patient...
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