This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Promoting breast cancer awareness in older women during the seasonal flu vaccination campaign

The aim of this project was to evaluate an adapted version of the PEP Intervention for use in a primary care setting using the seasonal flu vaccination campaign as a vehicle for delivery. Influenza...

Using compression garments in the management of lymphoedema

In the management of lymphoedema compression therapy can be in the form of compression bandages, compression garments or adjustable inelastic wraps. Compression bandages are generally used to reduce...

Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a guide for nurses

Acute upper GI bleeding is a medical emergency so early recognition is essential. It may present with haematemesis, coffee-ground vomiting, melaena or as an unexplained fall in haemoglobin levels...

Changing the nursing handover

‘Nurses and nursing staff work closely with their own team and with other professionals, making sure patients' care and treatment is co-ordinated, is of a high standard and has the best possible...

When will we see more diverse nursing leadership?

‘There is a spiral of positivity in the best performing NHS trusts. The extent to which staff are committed to their organizations and to which they recommend their trust as a place to receive...

Using community treatment orders: key provisions

Testing of a detained patient's rehabilitation was traditionally undertaken using the extended leave provisions of section 17 of the Mental Health Act 1983. These provisions allow a responsible...

Investing in illness prevention

In the introduction to the initiative, Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock acknowledges the progress made in improving people's health and extending longevity. However, he highlights that...

Taking the temperature of patient safety in the NHS

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) annual report on the state of health care and adult social care in England for 2017/18 helps provide this overview and baseline assessment. The picture painted by the...

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