‘The process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age.’ .
‘For the purposes of this Part, a person consents if he agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice.’ .
The first batch of level 1 and 2 learning materials are now available on the elearning for healthcare (elfh) platform for NHS staff to access. Level 1 is called ‘Essentials for patient safety’ and...
On reflecting on what can be done, one can't help but feel that the way in which the NHS has traditionally managed patient safety incidents has not systematically supported the staff involved..
This study aimed to estimate the time point where the development of nutritional failure and feeding-related complications are more likely among critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients...
First, nurses must identify whether the client seeking help does indeed need to lose weight. The requirements of fashion are more rigorous than those for health, and many people wish to lose weight...
Nurses, who work in a variety of settings ranging from clinics to home, play an important role in monitoring the risk of malnutrition among post-COVID patients, as well as being on the front line of...
Depending on the definition used, sarcopenia affects 4–25% of older, independently living adults in the UK: the prevalence data vary according to the identifying tests used for sarcopenia, as well as...
‘PHE is advocating the development of an “opt out” testing programme in prisons, whereby prisoners are offered the chance to test for infection near reception and at several time points thereafter...
Planning care is essential in the delivery of appropriate nursing care. Following assessment of a patient's needs, the next stage is to ‘plan care’ to address the actual and potential problems that...
BJN provides nurses with an evidence base for clinical practice and a platform for professional development. It shares the information and advice that is key to unlocking your full potential.
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