This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Assessing and managing patients with leg ulceration and oedema

Arterial ulcers develop as a consequence of reduced arterial blood flow to the leg, the main cause of which is peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD affects up to 20% of the population aged 60 years...

Fabricated or induced illness in a child

The first population-wide estimates were made by McClure et al (1996) by collating 128 reports of Munchausen's syndrome by proxy, non-accidental poisoning and non-accidental suffocation sent to the...

Should known allergy status be included as a medication administration ‘right’?

A 3-year-old child was brought into the emergency department (ED) of a hospital in the Middle East by his parents. The father informed the ED nursing staff that the young child had been unwell with a...

Using simulated patients as a learning strategy to support undergraduate nurses to develop patient-teaching skills

Patient education is part of nursing practice (NMC, 2018b), and integral to person-centred care (World Health Organization (WHO), 2011). Some authors (Lin and Wang, 2017; Richard et al, 2018) have...

Sustaining the commitment to patient safety huddles: insights from eight acute hospital ward teams

Since June 2013, eight acute wards in one UK hospital have pioneered the use of PSHs. The PSH is seen as:.

Setting up an arthroplasty care practitioner-led virtual clinic for follow-up of orthopaedic patients

In the UK, the professional orthopaedic community has been supporting the development of advanced practitioners involved in the care of patients with a joint replacement and guidelines for follow-up...

Blood donation: nurse roles and responsibilities

Because the blood components collected are manufactured into therapeutic transfusions for patients, under UK law, NHSBT has to comply with the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations..

Links between mental and heart health

Unfortunately, rates of depression and anxiety have been reported to be 20–30% after a cardiac event, and rates of post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide are also elevated (Jackson et al, 2018a)....

The Interim NHS People Plan: implications for nurse education

The report recognises that healthcare work attracts dedicated, committed people. However, the evidence suggests that job satisfaction is compromised in places by a culture of bullying and harassment....

Ensuring smooth transition of frail elderly patients from hospital to community

In a systematic review of the literature, Landeiro et al (2019) showed that delayed discharge occurs in most countries and that the associated costs are significant, not least because of their impact...

The state of NHS care in England

The CQC (2019) presents a useful and real-time picture of health and social care in England. The report looks at trends and shares examples of outstanding, good and poor care practices. Like all CQC...

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