This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Acute kidney injury: a risk scoring system for general surgical patients

It has been suggested that worldwide up to 20% of people admitted to hospital either have or will develop AKI (Susantitaphong et al, 2013). Although the incidence in the UK may be lower, it can have...

How to manage the care of the dehydrated child

The NHS defines dehydration as the body losing more fluid than it is taking in (NHS website, 2019). Dehydration in children is usually caused by diarrhoea and vomiting or systemic infection, but can...

Clinical trials involving children and young people

It is widely recognised that due to developmental and physiological differences (Joseph et al, 2015; Naka et al, 2017) children and young people's participation in clinical trials is integral to the...

Evaluating sexual function education for patients after a spinal cord injury

‘A state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and...

Constraints and ethical tensions in the area of young-onset dementia

This study drew from the experiences of health professionals to explore models of care for YOD. For those interviewed, the experience of providing care for people with YOD was characterised by...

Scales for assessing medication adherence in patients with hypertension

The purpose of the present study was to translate and validate the Hill-Bone and A-14 scales. In addition, the researchers' aim was to compare the mean scores of the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale...

Evaluating the impact of a coaching pilot on students and staff

Experiential learning in clinical placement currently constitutes 50% of pre-registration programmes. Student satisfaction is often linked with having a sense of belonging and being a valued member of...

‘It's the relationship you develop with them’: emotional intelligence in nurse leadership. A qualitative study

There are several conceptual definitions of EI (Salovey and Mayer, 1990; Goleman, 1995; Bar-On, 1997), which share similar theoretical foundations, including the ability to monitor one's own and...

A personal reflection: using theoretical frameworks to understand the impact of starting university on health and wellbeing

Both lay and theoretical perspectives define health. Lay perspectives of health are definitions formed by non-professional individuals, who use conceptual understandings and perceptions of what health...

Contemporary considerations relating to health promotion and older people

The WHO (2015) advocates ‘healthy ageing’ as a goal for life, describing it as a process incorporating the development and maintenance of functional ability to facilitate wellbeing in later life..

Blood donation: key challenges

Each year, NHSBT needs to recruit 135 000 new donors to replace those who are no longer able or do no wish to donate for a range of reasons. Every day we need up to 5000 people to donate blood to...

Introducing employment passports for nurses and other healthcare workers

Hospital passports have been used for a number of years for certain patient groups and are designed to give hospital staff helpful information about patients who have frequent admissions to hospital....

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