This website is intended for healthcare professionals

An ageing population

In England and Wales, the population continues to age. The 2021 Census results confirm there are more people than ever before in older age groups – over 11 million people, 18.6% of the total...

When nurses break the rules in a patient's best interests

Nurses entering the nursing profession pledge to do everything in their capacity to ensure that the care they deliver is in the best interest of their patients. However, nurses inevitably encounter...

Diverticular disease, diverticulitis and the impact on continence

Diverticular disease is a condition where diverticula cause symptoms such as altered bowel habit and lower abdominal pain, but without inflammation or infection (Strate and Morris, 2019). See Box 1....

Using peristomal body profile assessment to improve leakage-related quality of life for individuals with an ostomy

The nurses' evaluation of the Body Assessment Tool was presented using descriptive statistical methods (mean and standard deviation (SD)). Categorical variables regarding baseline characteristics,...

Clinical nurses' understanding of the role of the clinical research nurse in the renal unit

A questionnaire was designed to answer the improvement initiative question. Purposive sampling was used to distribute the survey, with 15 nurses from three clinical settings in the renal unit selected...

A review of chronic pain education for UK undergraduate nurses

‘An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.’

Nurses' attitudes and barriers to incident reporting in Malta's acute general hospital

The healthcare system in Malta is based on the UK's NHS, being mainly free at the point of delivery. However, as Scerri (2014) states, there are dual systems of private and public health services. The...

Compliance with a guideline on outpatient medical management of miscarriage in a gynaecology ED

An early miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy ≤13 weeks' gestation (NICE, 2021). This is usually diagnosed by a transvaginal/transabdominal pelvic ultrasound, often after a woman has experienced...

Autistic nurses: do they exist?

Autism spectrum disorder (ADO) has probably existed for hundreds of years but didn't get its name until the middle of the 19th century (Wolff, 2004). According to mental health literature, autism is a...

Increasing capacity in acute day care settings: patients' experiences of a pop-up day care unit

This article outlines the development and delivery of a pop-up paediatric day care unit at the NHB and describes the patients' and families' experiences of this innovative care setting.

Settling in to a high-pressure environment makes you see the importance of self-care

It is an incredible feeling to see people recovering from critical illness and knowing that I have helped them in their healing process. I am one part of a big team made up of multiple disciplines,...

Clinical negligence litigation and the NHS: focusing on the injured patient

I see this happening in some debates about reforming clinical negligence litigation. We often hear clarion calls for clinical negligence reform and the need to safeguard scarce NHS resources, which is...

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