To support comparability with the findings of Malik et al (2011), the authors followed their methodology of using a cross-sectional online questionnaire to record nursing students' own perceptions of...
People who use hostels and homeless shelter are some of the hardest to reach client groups who are high risk of tuberculosis (TB) activation due to their lifestyle. Their health is not their main...
It is easy to agree with statements that we should encourage a no-blame culture in the NHS to greater facilitate openness, transparency and candour by healthcare staff. To develop a no-blame culture,...
My experience on that first surgical ward taught me that I had a place within a team of people and provided I followed the rules—be they written or unwritten—then the team would support and care for...
Skill mix, care hours available and experience along with material resources (availability of necessary medications, supplies, and equipment) were felt to be factors. To take one of their examples: an...
This audit aims to explore current leg ulcer services including the provision of compression therapy for inpatients affected by leg ulcers in hospitals..
A multi-case research study approach, using secondary data, was used to critically analyse the development of pressure ulcers in COVID-19 patients admitted to ICU and nursed in prone position. A case...
Painful chronic wounds appear with discharge, odour, and complications such as infection and tunnelling, which can lead to scarring and disfigurement (Figure 2). Often reduced mobility and physical...
‘Any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, implant, reagent, material or other article intended by the manufacturer to be used alone, or in combination, for human beings…’. .
The aim of this service improvement project was to assess the current knowledge and confidence of the ED nurses and HCAs in a district general hospital when caring for patients who self-harm at...
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