This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Association for Vascular Access

Implementation of the I-DECIDED® tool for PIVC assessment and decision making: discussion paper

PIVCs are the most common invasive device in health care; 70% of patients require at least one during their hospital stay.12 Repeated insertion attempts are common, and over one-third of PIVCs fail...

Standards of care for peripheral intravenous catheters: evidence-based expert consensus

The insertion of a PIVC is the most commonly performed invasive procedure in healthcare, yet its significance is underappreciated. Clinicians are commonly heard saying ‘it's just a peripheral,’ which...

Evaluation of a safety-engineered peripherally inserted intravenous catheter with multiple access blood control: clinician acceptability and ease of use

Clinician and participant background and demographic information are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. All clinicians and participants were compliant with the study protocol. All enrolled...

Establishing a plan to improve pediatric patient comfort during PIV insertions and blood specimen collection: a quality improvement effort

We were able to meet the original project goal for both year 1 and year 2 (stretch goal). Actions that may have contributed to the shift in the fall of 2021 include the multiple education...

Care bundles and peripheral arterial catheters

The aim of this scoping review is to identify the features of bundled interventions for vascular access devices that determine care outcomes and to highlight research gaps about care bundles for...

Guarding the central venous access device: a new solution for an old problem

The pathogenesis of bacteria into the bloodstream can occur in two common ways: intraluminally and extraluminally. A CVAD can be colonized extraluminally by bacteria along the catheter or skin flora...

The potential role of through the needle PIVC insertion in reducing early catheter contamination

In order to study the effects of using a novel TTN device, which deploys a 20-gauge catheter through a needle (Figure 1), compared to a more traditional OTN device, which deploys a 20-gauge catheter...

Evaluation of the difficult intravenous access (DIVA) scoring in hospitalized pediatric patients

A limitation of the project was the use of convenience versus consecutive sampling. Convenience sampling was chosen because of the voluntary nature of staff completing the data collection form prior...

Disinfection of needleless connectors to reduce Staphylococcus aureus bacterial load

In this in vitro study, we compared the antimicrobial effectiveness of 4 disinfectants applied with sterile gauze: 70% IPA liquid (Rialcool®, Rioquímica), 70% ethanol liquid (Rialcool, Rioquímica),...

Vascular access teams: a global outlook on challenges, benefits, opportunities, and future perspectives

Numerous vascular access devices (VADs) are placed worldwide annually,1 with up to 90% of all hospitalized patients undergoing catheter placement,2,3 resulting in substantial health care...

Treatment of a neonatal peripheral intravenous infiltration/extravasation (PIVIE) injury with hyaluronidase: a case report

A term male patient was born by emergency cesarean section to a 28-year-old primigravida mother for decreased fetal movement. The infant was born in good condition and did not require resuscitation....

Managing central venous catheter dressings: a short gut syndrome case study

At 1 month of age, the patient was diagnosed with short gut syndrome after multiple surgeries to treat a malrotation and midgut volvulus. The patient received the first of many CVCs after a...

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