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Physical health assessment for people with a severe mental illness

28 May 2020
Volume 29 · Issue 10

People with severe mental illness (SMI) have poorer physical health than the general population and die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than people without a mental health condition (HM Government and Department of Health (DH), 2011). This is mostly because of physical health problems that are not diagnosed or managed efficiently (HM Government and DH, 2011). Being in contact with a mental health service does not always mean that people with an SMI have a physical health assessment, have their physical health monitored or receive information, support and lifestyle interventions to improve their overall wellbeing. A group of organisations, including several royal colleges, have produced a report setting out actions to improve the physical health of these patients (Academy of Royal Medical Colleges et al, 2016).

Nurses from all fields have unparalleled opportunities to improve the physical health conditions of SMI patients, both in inpatient and community settings (HM Government and DH, 2011). To make these improvements and ensure parity of esteem between physical and mental health, all nurses must capitalise on every contact they have with people with SMI to improve early detection, evidence-based care and interventions.

Physical and mental health are inextricably linked and a holistic approach is needed to manage both. There is strong evidence to suggest that having a long-term mental health condition can be a significant risk factor for poor physical health and long-term physical health can have a detrimental impact on a person's mental health (HM Government and DH, 2011). Medically unexplained physical symptoms are often the basis of poor mental health and have been estimated to cost the NHS over £3 billion a year (Bermingham et al, 2010). Comorbid mental health problems and long-term conditions increase healthcare costs by 45% per person (Naylor et al, 2016). Key issues include increased respiratory diseases, diseases of the liver, cardiovascular disease and ischaemic heart disease. Physical health problems are also highly prevalent among people with eating disorders, personality disorders, drug and alcohol use disorders, or untreated depression or anxiety.

Risky health behaviours are common among people with SMI and include smoking, a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, which lead to obesity and hyperlipidaemia (Glasper, 2016). Yet, offers of timely access to physical health assessments and interventions are often inconsistent. People with SMI are also less likely to report accidents or injury and access medical care, leaving symptoms untreated. Individuals with serious mental illness are found to be less likely to engage with healthcare services despite increased risk factors associated with their illness.

Negative attitudes from health professionals, including ‘diagnostic overshadowing’, whereby physical symptoms are attributed to an individual's mental illness, and perceived stigma about mental conditions, often deter people from seeking health advice (Nash, 2014). People with SMI are at increased risk of asthma, obesity, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and heart failure (Public Health England (PHE), 2018a). In addition, antipsychotic medication has been shown to increase food intake, impair glucose tolerance and alter people's level of physical activity (Lord et al, 2017). Approximately eight out of ten people prescribed olanzapine [for schizophrenia] develop significant weight gain (defined as an increase of 7% or more of their starting weight) (Haddad, 2017).

Contact with any health service should be an opportunity to improve both mental and physical health. Health professionals can make brief interventions or carry out a full physical health assessment as appropriate.

For nurses, this means a greater focus in education on improving assessments for these patients, more screening to identify physical health problems and the use of interventions to improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities and improve quality of life (Mental Health Taskforce, 2016). Barriers for staff delivering physical healthcare in SMI patients include a lack of knowledge and training in communication and negotiation skills and a lack of integrated services (McBain et al, 2018). The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health (Mental Health Taskforce, 2016) produced for NHS England, aimed to ensure that by 2020, 280 000 people living with SMI have their physical health needs met, expanding access to evidence-based detection, assessment and intervention and creating integrated mental and physical health services nationally by April 2021 (NHS England, 2019). However, there is a lack of understanding among healthcare providers about how to meet the complex needs of people with SMI (Ross et al, 2016). All health professionals have a part to play in delivering integrated care to manage the needs of this population group (Naylor et al, 2016).

Brief interventions

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that uses any interaction between a health professional and a patient as an opportunity to engage with a patient to make positive changes to their physical and mental health (PHE et al, 2016). MECC supports the opportunistic delivery of consistent, concise healthy lifestyle information, enabling patients to engage in conversations about their health (PHE et al, 2016).

Carrying out a full assessment

Physical health assessments are necessary to address calls to improve commissioning services and recommendations to implement physical health interventions to reduce the inequalities in health among people with SMI (HM Government and DH, 2011). The Lester Tool (NHS England et al, 2014) has been designed to help frontline staff to make assessments of cardiac and metabolic health to reduce the mortality for people with an SMI and ensure that a person's physical and mental health conditions are jointly addressed. The Lester UK Adaptation Tool (NHS England et al, 2014) guides healthcare workers through the assessment of a person's smoking history, BMI, lifestyle, blood pressure, glucose regulation and blood lipids, offering appropriate targets and interventions to improve that person's physical health. This should be used as part of a full physical health assessment.

The physical health assessment gives a baseline for future comparison, monitors previously diagnosed physical illnesses, monitors current physical condition, prevents increased mortality by early intervention and creates opportunities to liaise with the interprofessional team to select the best intervention or treatment (Nash, 2014). To make the Lester tool a valuable resource in reducing cardiovascular disease-associated morbidity and mortality, it is vital that all staff are competent in their roles and responsibilities for physical health care. For a full physical health assessment, healthcare practitioners should:

  • Gain informed consent: patients need to know exactly what will happen
  • Confirm the patient's specific requirements and reason for assessment
  • Consider the patient's general appearance: state of dress, appropriate clothing, hygiene, cleanliness (ie unkemptness)
  • Consider posture, gait and mobility
  • Assess the patient's behaviour, orientation, evidence of any agitation and level of fatigue
  • Ask the patient if they have any pain or difficulties in breathing. Assess for any audible sounds such as wheezing, breathlessness or cough
  • Ask the patient if they have recently started antipsychotic medication. A physical health assessment should be carried out as a baseline for those prescribed new antipsychotic medications and then at least once every 3 months (Crawford et al, 2014)
  • Ask the patient if they have noticed any side effects of their medication. Antipsychotics are known to cause some side effects such as akathisia (an unpleasant restless feeling with involuntary movements) or dystonia (abnormal muscle contractions), dry mouth, dizzyness or lightheadedness, blurred vision, constipation and weight gain (Stroup and Gray, 2018). Rarely, other more serious side effects can occur such as changes in blood sugar levels or blood lipid levels, neuroleptic malignant syndrome and cardiac arrhythmias (Joint Formulary Committee, 2020). Antipsychotics are associated with increased mortality in elderly people with dementia. Record the date of the patient's last medication review
  • Ask the patient if they smoke. For smokers, ask how many cigarettes they smoke a day, for how many years they have been smokers and the triggers/reasons for smoking. People with schizophrenia who smoke have a significantly higher rate of COPD than the general population (Himelhoch et al, 2004). Additionally, the effectiveness of some antipsychotic medication can be impeded by smoking and 30–50% higher doses of some drugs are required to achieve a therapeutic effect in smokers (Tsuda et al, 2014). If a patient smokes, have they considered giving up or tried to give up in the past? Do they need any additional support with this? Consider referral to smoking-cessation services
  • Ask the patient about their weekly alcohol consumption. Record weekly intake even if this is zero. Alcohol dependence is more common in men (6%) than women (2%) and increased in people in lower socio-economic groups (PHE, 2016a). Men and women are recommended not to drink more than 14 units a week regularly (PHE, 2016a). Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to around 60 different types of diseases such as mouth, throat and oesophageal cancers, premature ageing, high blood pressure, rapid pulse, heart failure, impaired kidney function and liver damage. Inflammation of the stomach and pancreas and reduced fertility are also linked to alcohol use. In 2018, there were 7551 alcohol-specific deaths in the UK, an age-standardised rate of 11.9 deaths per 100 000 population (Office for National Statistics, 2019). Health professionals should ask the patient if they would like to reduce their weekly alcohol intake, assess readiness for change and refer to appropriate services for support
  • Patients who use illicit substances are more likely to experience mental health problems and people with mental health problems are more likely to take illicit substances (Collins et al, 2013). The coexistence of a mental health problem and drug and/or alcohol misuse is defined as a ‘dual diagnosis’. Ask the patient if they take any substances and record the answer. A detailed history is important to assess patterns of substance misuse (Collins et al, 2013). Ask the patient their age at first use, duration of use, amount, type and strength of substance used over a period of time, the preferred method, triggers and the patient's own subjective experience of substance use. Refer to appropriate services if the patient would like any support
  • Sexual health is an important aspect of physical health and evidence suggests that individuals with mental health problems are at increased risk of poorer sexual health (Carey et al, 2007; Matevosyan, 2009). In particular, those with mental health problems are at higher risk of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and unintended pregnancies (Carey et al, 2007; Matevosyan, 2009). A known side effect of antipsychotic medication is sexual dysfunction. Studies have found males and females experience symptoms, including decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disorder, arousal disorder and reported vaginal dryness (Park et al, 2012). Also, mental illness can affect perceptions of self-image and induce risk-taking behaviours (Collins et al, 2013). However, studies have shown that nurses often do not discuss sexual health matters with patients for several reasons, including lack of knowledge, conservative attitudes, embarrassment, fear of offending and lack of time (Matevosyan, 2009; Quinn and Browne, 2009). Discuss sexual health with the patient, offer advice, consider medication review and refer to specialist services if appropriate.
  • To carry out a full physical health assessment some practical tests and assessments are required, and specific equipment is needed (Box 1). Registered nurses have a duty of care to their patients (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2018) and therefore must always use evidence-based practice. The procedure for carrying out a full physical examination can be seen in Box 2.

    Equipment for health assessments

  • Sphygmomanometer (digital if preferred)
  • Stethoscope
  • Tape measure
  • Scales
  • Height measuring stick
  • Blood bottles for lipid profile and HBA1C
  • Vacutainer
  • Tourniquet
  • Cotton wool swab
  • ECG machine and leads
  • Pulse oximeter
  • Urine dipstick
  • Urine bottle
  • Physical health assessment procedure for patients with severe mental illness

  • Wash hands
  • Explain the full procedure to the patient
  • Talk to the patient throughout the procedure and reassure
  • Blood pressure. Take the patient's blood pressure using either a manual or digital sphygmomanometer. If the blood pressure (BP) is 140/90 mmHg or higher take a second measurement during the consultation. If the patients' blood pressure remains at 140/90 mmHg or higher refer to specialist care (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2019) Patients with diabetes have a target BP below 130/80 mmHg (Nash, 2014)
  • Heart. Consider an ECG assessment. This is recommended for mental health patients who have recently started or regularly receive antipsychotic medications. For example, a baseline ECG is taken when a patient starts on clozapine. Only health professionals with specific competencies can undertake ECGs. If this is not within the nurse's scope of practice, refer to a doctor or ECG technician (Nash, 2014). For an ECG:
  • Help the patient to disrobe if necessary and preserve dignity. Ensure all cables and electrode pads specific to the ECG machine are in date and that the machine has enough paper. Ensure the skin is clean and dry and remove any excess hair
  • Place the electrodes on the skin. Ensure that the leads connect with colour-coded inputs. Select the lead the reading will be taken from. Follow local clinical standards and policy. Place used electrodes and alcohol wipes in the appropriate waste bin. Record findings
  • Breathing. Ask the patient if they have any underlying respiratory conditions. Take a pulse oximetry reading. Use an alcohol wipe to clean the area and clip the sensor to the chosen finger. Acceptable saturation levels are between 96 and 100% (Blows, 2018). Record saturations.
  • The respiratory rate is the number of breathing cycles per minutes (Blows, 2018). Ensure that the patient has not briskly walked or run in the past 5 minutes. Record the patient's respiration rate for 1 minute as a baseline assessment of the respiratory system and lung function. An acceptable rate is between 12 and 18 respirations in 1 minute (Blows, 2018)
  • The patient should be positioned upright if possible (this makes lung expansion easier) (Moore, 2007). Count each respiration the patient makes for 1 minute (respiration is one inspiration and one expiration)
  • Does the patient have any difficulty breathing? Listen for any abnormal sounds such as wheezing or crackling—record these (Dougherty and Lister, 2015). Does breathing cause any pain? Observe the patient's lips and extremities for colour changes (cyanosis, a bluish colour of the skin is considered a sign of late respiratory dysfunction). Report any abnormalities to the GP or specialist services and record findings
  • Urine. Test urine using a standard reagent strip if indicated for diabetes or to assess for a urinary tract infection. Report any abnormalities and record findings (Dougherty and Lister, 2015)
  • Weight. Ask the patient to remove shoes and record weight in kilograms and measure height in centimetres. Use a chart or BMI calculator to calculate BMI. Patients with a BMI greater than 25 kg/m2 should be given lifestyle advice including exercise and diet appropriate to classification (World Health Organization, 2006). Obesity is linked with increased mortality due to serious medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and congestive cardiac failure
  • Blood sugar and cholesterol. Check when the patient last had a blood test and which samples were taken. Depending on local policy, carry out venepuncture for lipid profile test and HbA1C test (glycated haemoglobin)
  • Triglycerides are the main fat molecules carried in plasma; these must be transported in several types of lipoproteins (a combination of fat and protein). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is known as ‘bad cholesterol’. These particles transport lipid into arterial walls causing plaques, which often precede coronary artery disease. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) known as ‘good cholesterol’ particles collect fat removed from cells of the artery wall, reducing plaque formation. Cholesterol ratio is calculated by dividing the total cholesterol by the HDL value. This can be used to predict the risk of a heart attack, high risk is associated with a ratio greater than 5 (Blows, 2018)
  • An HbA1C test will provide a patient's average blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months to test for diabetes
  • Other assessments. There are several further assessment tools and scales that may be of use for individual patients
  • The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) (BAPEN, 2018) is useful in caring for malnourished patients
  • The Glasgow Coma scale (Teasdale et al, 1979) is useful when caring for someone with epilepsy, delirium or loss of consciousness
  • The Waterlow pressure ulcer risk assessment (Waterlow, 2005) is useful for assessing people with poor skin integrity, extreme weight loss, anorexia or loss of mobility
  • Food and drink. Patients with high cholesterol are at greater risk of cardiovascular disease. Encourage a healthy, well-balanced diet. Women should have 2000 kcal per day and men 2500 kcal—this includes all food and drink (Public Health England (PHE), 2018b). Discuss ways to reduce salt and sugar intake
  • Discuss fluid intake. For adults, 6-8 glasses of fluid is recommended a day (including water, lower-fat milk, sugar-free drinks etc) (PHE, 2018b). Ask the patient if they have any problems passing urine or are experiencing any symptoms of constipation or diarrhoea
  • Temperature. Monitor body temperature to assess for any signs of infection. Core temperature range is between 36.5°C and 37.5 °C (NICE, 2013). This provides optimum conditions for tissue metabolism (Blows, 2018). A body temperature higher than 37.5 C can indicate signs of infection. Record findings and refer if appropriate
  • Sleep. Discuss sleeping pattern, any difficulties in sleeping or change in sleeping routine
  • Physical exercise. Ask the patient how much physical exercise they take per week. It is recommended that adults aged 19−64 aim for a least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more each week (PHE, 2016b). Lack of physical activity in mental health patients may be caused by several factors. Some medications have a sedative side effect. Patients may experience a lack of motivation and reduced confidence in participating in exercise. Limited finances may also influence choices (Collins et al, 2013). Discuss options and consider social prescribing to community groups, local non-clinical and statutory services for practical and emotional support. Social prescribing schemes involve a variety of activities provided by community and voluntary sector organisations including arts activities, gardening, group learning, cookery classes and a range of sports
  • Clean all equipment after use and advise the patient to attend a physical health assessment each year
  • Conclusion

    A person with poor physical health can have an increased risk of developing mental health problems and poor mental health can have a significant impact on physical health. Nurses should use every healthcare interaction as an opportunity to ensure that patients' mental and physical health are jointly addressed.


  • Understand why people with severe mental illness (SMI) may not have their physical health assessed and problems treated
  • Recognise that some risky health behaviours are common among people with SMI
  • Know how to make every contact count with people with SMI
  • Understand the importance of physical health assessments for people with SMI
  • Be aware of the physical assessments required by people with SMI