This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Mental Health

The compassionate mind approach to supporting psychological wellbeing in people living with HIV

Within clinical practice, a number of approaches can support people living HIV with regards to their mental health and psychological wellbeing. These include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT),...

Rediscovering a passion for nursing after experiencing burnout

After 8 months, I reached a crossroads in my career. Unsure of what to do next and contemplating whether I wanted to remain in nursing at all, I took time to reflect on my options. Nursing had always...

Working effectively with individuals with substance use disorders: a qualitative descriptive study

This study was conducted between January 2021 and September 2021 by the first author, as part of the requirements of his Master of Nursing Program. The main purpose of this study was to examine...

Enhancing support for survivors of sexual violence and abuse provided within integrated sexual health services

A critical area for service improvement is expanding and enhancing the digital resources available to SVA survivors. Current online platforms do not provide enough detailed, supportive and accessible...

Mental health nursing students and generic proficiencies: how educators can support assessment

One of the issues expressed in service evaluations for mental health nursing students is that they perceive proficiencies to be easier to achieve for their peers on the adult nursing programme. Mental...

Developing the emergency response for mental health patients

Building on this success, I was eager to explore what a specialised face-to-face response for our patients might look like. In 2017, using quality improvement (QI) methodology, I began conducting test...

The Man Hug: a men's mental health podcast

Podcasts offer an additional means of enhancing mental health literacy in regions with limited access to services (Caoilte et al, 2023). Podcasts are being increasingly used in mental health contexts...

Telling our stories: describing the experiences and contributions of African migrants living with HIV

The project's aim was to develop a book to showcase these experiences and shine a light on this community. The project was led by a steering group of African women who are long-standing HIV activists...

Creating lived experience simulations

The concept of narrative pedagogy originates from the tradition of learning from stories passed on from generation to generation. It is not a replacement for conventional pedagogies, but a valuable...

Eating disorders: is there a correlation between severity of physical compromise and admission outcomes?

‘… an intense fear of weight gain and a disturbed body image, which motivate severe dietary restriction or other weight loss behaviours such as purging or excessive physical activity.’ .

Residual liberty and the detained mental health patient

In AM v South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and The Secretary of State for Health [2013], Justice Charles held that the Mental Capacity Act 2005 could be used to treat a physical condition...

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