For those colleagues who are either lone specialists at their organisation or in a very small team, the opportunities for keeping up-to-date with innovations with current clinical practice can...
Any change to healthcare meal provision must be balanced against the needs of patients. To assess the dietary needs of the inpatient population, the self-reported patient feedback survey data for the...
An updated rapid review of the evidence was recently published (Phillips and Coad, 2023); this was necessary to capture new research published since the original review (Coad et al, 2017). There has...
‘industrial formulations of many ingredients, mostly of exclusive industrial use, that result from a sequence of industrial processes.’
‘It is unclear if the previously suggested risks of BD [blended diet] are occurring with significant frequency in comparison to those using CEF [commercial enteral feed].’ .
ACPs play a pivotal role in CANH decision-making processes by using their advanced clinical skills and expertise to assess patients' nutritional needs, evaluate the appropriateness of CANH...
For individuals and families in low-income countries (LIC) this is further compounded by chronic poverty and food insecurity (Siddiqui et al, 2020). As the World Food Programme (2024) has pointed out,...
The aim was to develop a wide, multifactorial collaborative approach to reduce the risk of such incidents recurring following a serious event..
Qiao et al (2020), noted that type 2 diabetes is characterised by insulin resistance – a hyperinsulinaemic state distinguished by a reduced response to the hormone insulin. Hyperinsulinemia is an...
Malnutrition too often goes unnoticed. When nutrition hits the headlines, it is typically regarding obesity or the ‘desirability’ of losing weight. However, there is a fundamental importance to...
Current figures relating to malnutrition in the UK reveal that up to 3 million people at any one time are living with malnutrition (British Nutrition Foundation, 2023) and 93% of malnutrition occurs...
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