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The nurse's role in ear care: undertaking hearing assessment and ear cleaning

14 March 2019
Volume 28 · Issue 5
Figure 1. The outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear
Figure 1. The outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear


Noreen Kilkenny, Senior Lecturer, Adult Nursing, Northumbria University,, describes the physiology and anatomy of the ear, common abnormalities and the procedures that nurses should follow in assessing and diagnosing ear conditions and hearing problems in adults

Hearing loss is a common condition, affecting about 9 million people in England. It usually happens gradually as people get older and is most common in people over 65. Hearing difficulties can happen at any age and have several causes. People often put off getting help for hearing loss, yet it can have a major impact on their quality of life, causing them to lose confidence and feel isolated from family and friends. It can also lead to depression and anxiety (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2018).

Consequently, monitoring and maintenance of hearing are fundamental parts of nursing assessment (Dougherty et al, 2015). Apart from hearing, ears are crucial for balance, and poor hygiene can contribute to poor hearing and cerumen impaction (also known as earwax impaction) (Millward, 2017).

Anatomy and physiology

It is important that health professionals understand the anatomy and physiology of the ear to enable them to assess and diagnose ear conditions. The ear has three main parts (Figure 1):

  • The outer/external ear consists of the pinna (auricle) and external auditory meatus (EAM)—the acoustic canal lined with small hairs. The epithelium covers the tympanic membrane and contains the cerumen glands (Bickley et al, 2012). The main function of cerumen is to lubricate the ear, but it also protects the canal (Berman and Snyder, 2012). The pinna collects sound waves, which reach the auricle, and delivers them via the external acoustic canal to the tympanic membrane, which vibrates (Dougherty et al, 2015)
  • The middle ear is an air-filled cavity that starts at the tympanic membrane. It contains three ossicles or bones of sound transmission—the malleolus, incus and stapes, collectively known as the auditory ossicles—which also receive vibrations from the tympanic membrane (Dougherty et al, 2015). The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, which stabilises air pressure between the external atmosphere and the middle ear, preventing the rupture of the tympanic membrane (Marieb and Hoehn, 2013)
  • The inner ear, also known as ‘the labyrinth’ due to its complex shape, lies behind the eye socket. It has two major divisions: the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth. The bony labyrinth is filled with perilymph and endolymph, which help conduct the sound vibrations involved in hearing and the response to mechanical forces during changes in body position (Marieb and Hoehn, 2013). If the inner ear is damaged, the patient is at risk of developing permanent vertigo or hearing loss.
  • Figure 1. The outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear


    Cerumen excess

    Cerumen build-up, which is common, can prevent adequate clinical examination of the ear and sometimes delay investigations and management. Each year, an estimated 2.3 million people have issues with cerumen that are sufficient to need intervention (NICE, 2018). Some of the most common causes of build-up and ear damage is due to the use of hearing aids or earbud-type headphones, and the use of cotton buds (Castella, 2018). Other reasons for build-up or impaction include working in very dusty or dirty environments, patients having excessive hair in or around their ears, or having ears with narrow ear canals (O'Brien, 2012).

    Symptoms of cerumen build-up include tinnitus, vertigo, discharge, pain, hearing loss, and otitis externa. Treatment of cerumen impaction includes using pre-treatment wax softeners either immediately before or up to 5 days before ear irrigation or syringing is carried out by an appropriately qualified health professional (Castella, 2018). Common types of softeners recommended by NICE (2018) guidelines and the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (2017) include warm olive oil, almond oil, water or cerumenolytics such as urea hydrogen peroxide 5.0% w/w.

    Ear irrigation is an invasive procedure. Wax softeners are advised as a first line of treatment and the procedure should be carried out by a qualified practitioner (Dougherty et al, 2015).

    Otitis externa

    Otitis externa is caused by inflammation of the external ear, which may be caused by infection or allergy.

    It may also be due to excess wax trapping water in the EAM or to scratching the ear with sharp objects or contaminated fingernails (Brooker et al, 2015). A procedure called ‘aural toilet’ may be carried out by specialist practitioners to treat this condition (Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, 2017).


    According to the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) (2017) 10–15% of the population experiences tinnitus. It affects both sexes and is more common in older people; however, it can occur at any age. It is associated with the perception of hearing buzzing, ringing or whistling in one or both ears, or noises for which there is no external source. It can also be associated with a heightened awareness of spontaneous electrical activity in the auditory system (BTA, 2017). Those with tinnitus also describe a ‘blocked sensation’, despite having normal middle ear pressure and eardrum mobility.

    Assessment and pre-procedural considerations

    Examine the ear for any discharge, swelling, tenderness, redness, and then the amount and texture of any cerumen present to determine the current health of the ear. Inspection of the inner ear is carried out using an otoscope (Marieb and Hoehn, 2013). At this point in the assessment, the nurse must establish the patient's current level of hearing; although hearing tests are carried out by audiologists, it is also the nurse's responsibility to assess hearing (Berman and Snyder, 2012). It is important to ensure that the patient understands the need to lie still in order to avoid injury with the dropper due to sudden movement (Dougherty et al, 2015).

    Nursing assessment for hearing

    It is important to establish the type of hearing loss the patient is experiencing, particularly if it is due to wax impaction or infection, such as otitis externa. Referral to an audiology specialist for diagnostic treatment may be required, especially if the hearing loss has developed suddenly or has specific additional symptoms (NICE, 2018).

    The guidelines also state that, if the hearing loss occurred suddenly (over 3 days or less), the person should be seen immediately (within 24 hours) by an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist or in an emergency department to establish the cause. If the hearing loss has occurred over more than 30 days, then the individual should be seen within 2 weeks by either an ENT specialist or the audiovestibular medicine service. Finally, if the hearing loss lasts between 4 and 90 days, the individual should be referred to these services within 2 weeks.

    NICE (2018) guidance states that stroke guidelines may need to be followed if a patient presents with symptoms that include facial droop or unilateral hearing loss to the affected side. Similarly, those with otorrhoea (ear discharge) and otalgia (earache) who have not responded to treatment within 72 hours may need to be referred to specialist services.

    The NICE guidance includes further information on associated ear disorders (NICE, 2018).

    There are several ways to assess hearing, including the whispered voice test, and tuning fork tests such as the Weber and Rinne tests (Table 1 and Figure 2). These can help identify conductive and sensorineural hearing loss (Epstein et al, 2008; Douglas et al, 2013; Rawles et al, 2015; British Society of Audiology, 2016). The British Society of Audiology (2016) recommends a 512 Hz tuning fork because the tone does not fade too quickly.

    Whispered voice test Procedure
  • In a quiet environment stand behind patient with your mouth about 15 cm from the ear you are testing
  • Mask the hearing in one ear by rubbing the tragus (the small pointed fleshy projection in front of the external ear)
  • Ask the patient to repeat the words you speak. Start in a normal speaking voice, move to a lower voice intensity and then a clear whisper. Use multisyllable numbers and words
  • Repeat this, but at arm's length from the patient's ear
  • Patients with normal hearing should be able to repeat words whispered at 60 cm
  • Weber test (tests for lateralisation) Procedure
  • Using a 512 Hz tuning fork:
  • Tap the prongs of the fork against a padded surface to start vibration
  • Place the footplate of the instrument on the top of the patient's vertex, forehead or bridge of the nose for 4 seconds
  • Place your other hand on the back of the patient's head to apply counter-pressure
  • Ask the patient where they hear the sound Normal reading:
  • Sound should be heard in the centre of the head or equally in both ears Abnormal reading:
  • Symmetrical hearing loss: heard in the middle
  • Unilateral sensorineural deafness: the sound is heard better in one ear
  • Noise is louder in the affected ear for those with conductive hearing loss NB Due to the risk of transmitting infectious diseases some clinical areas may prohibit the use of the Weber test (McGee, 2018)
  • Rinne test (tests for comparison of loudness of perceived air conduction with bone conduction) Procedure
  • Using a 512 Hz tuning fork:
  • Test one ear at a time
  • Tap the prongs of the fork against a padded surface to start vibration
  • Place the footplate of the fork on the mastoid process
  • Ask the patient if they can hear a noise
  • Place the fork 2 cm away from the external auditory meatus, ask the patient if they can hear a noise
  • Allow enough time for each technique for the patient to establish if they can hear a noise
  • Check if the noise is louder at the mastoid process or away from the ear Normal result (positive test): if the noise or air conduction is louder next to the ear canal, then this is a positive Rinne test.
  • Abnormal result (negative test): if the noise or air conduction is louder next to the mastoid process, then this is a negative Rinne test, indicating a significant conductive element to the hearing loss.NB If the patient has poor hearing on one side, this may lead to a false negative Rinne test result
    Figure 2. . The Weber test: strike a 512 Hz tuning fork against your knee and place it on the patient's forehead, then ask the patient in which ear the sound is loudest (a). The Rinne test: strike the fork again, present it next to the ear, then press it against the mastoid process behind the ear (b) ask the patient whether the sound is loudest when the fork is next to the ear or when pressed to the bone behind the ear (c) (Almeyda and Nash, 2018). Use Table 1 to determine whether the test results are normal (positive) or abnormal (negative)

    Ear cleaning

    Speaking and regular jaw movement make the ear canal self-cleaning, allowing the cerumen to make its way up to the EAM, where it emerges onto the skin (Oladeji et al, 2015.). However, if there are issues with the ear canal's natural cleaning, then this may become impacted (Burton et al, 2016).

    Dougherty et al (2015) suggest that ear cleaning should take place after bathing and showering, and cotton buds or similar should not be inserted in the ear. Recommendations on cleaning the outside of the ear are to use a dry tissue or alcohol-free baby wipe to clean behind and around the ear.

    Administering ear drops

    Indications for ear drops vary, but may include infection; to reduce discomfort and inflammation; or to treat infection. However, in cases of a perforated ear drum, the instillation of ear drops is contraindicated. In specific cases where this is advisable, the drops should be administered with caution while maintaining asepsis (Hogston and Marjoram, 2011) (Table 1 and Table 2).

  • Personal protective equipment, including non-sterile gloves and apron
  • Prescription chart
  • Tissues
  • Ear drops
  • Types of ear drops

    Medication for the ear can be in the form of drops, sprays, ointments and solutions. Absorption of the medication may be affected by the presence of cerumen or the acidic environment around the ear skin surface (Dougherty et al, 2015). Ear drops are single-person use only, and it must be noted when the medication was opened. Special instructions should be followed, for example if the drops need to be stored at a specific temperature or used within a certain timeframe.

    Drops tend to absorb rapidly into the system providing a more sustained drug release (Baillie, 2014).


    This article has outlined the anatomy and physiology of the ear, alongside identifying some common abnormalities of the ear. The role of the nurse in providing ear care and assessing for hearing has also been discussed, together with some considerations that need to be taken into account when undertaking assessment and care of the ear within clinical practice.


  • Understand the anatomy and the physiology of the ear
  • Understand of the importance of ear care and the nurse's role in ear cleaning and hearing assessment
  • Identify some of the abnormalities that may present within the ear and those that may give cause for concern
  • Be aware of up-to-date guidelines, including recommendations on ear cleaning and when to use ear drops