‘There is no certainty when you live with a medical condition like CF but having clear and timely guidance from PHE and my own medical team has provided a much-needed level of assurance during this...
The catheterisation was beautifully done. A nursing staff member who introduced himself as Ramuel, came to insert the catheter. He told me he was putting anaesthetic on the head of my penis and that...
Wales, as a devolved nation, has its own health service provision and all health boards were obliged to undertake the requirements of the patient safety notice. It was soon identified that not all...
Due to the intimate nature of the investigation, it is important to be aware that patients may, understandably, be embarrassed or frightened at the prospect of UDS. The nurse can help the patient...
The prone position is defined as lying in a horizontal position with the front of the body facing downwards. It is used to improve short-term oxygenation and lung compliance (BACCN, 2018)..
Creating a livery company for the nursing profession was a way to bring nurses together, wherever and whenever they had trained. Fellowship, help with education and professional development—and...
‘Supporting people, via social prescribing link workers, to make community connections and discover new opportunities, building on individual strengths and preferences, to improve health and...
The complexities of the journey from diagnosis to treatment shine a light on the importance of the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) team, which acts as the glue that binds everything together. At the...
BJN provides nurses with an evidence base for clinical practice and a platform for professional development. It shares the information and advice that is key to unlocking your full potential.
Clinical expertise
Peer-reviewed research
Best practice guidance
CPD support