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Interprofessional education: promoting collaboration

04 July 2024
Volume 33 · Issue 13

Health professionals practise in increasingly complex environments that demand a thorough understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other professionals, as well as an ability to collaborate effectively. A significant proportion of adverse events in health care are attributed to communication failures between team members.

Interprofessional education (IPE) involves students from different healthcare disciplines coming together to learn from and with each other (Gilbert et al, 2010). This approach fosters a deeper understanding of each profession's roles, responsibilities and contributions, breaking down traditional silos and facilitating a more holistic perspective of patient care (Hood et al, 2014). Through shared experiences, students gain insights into the various aspects of patient management, from diagnosis and treatment, pathophysiology and medicines management, to emotional and social support needs (Sanko et al 2020).

IPE is a key strategy to enhance team effectiveness and communication. By fostering a deeper appreciation of different professional roles and encouraging collaborative practice, IPE helps mitigate the risks associated with communication breakdowns. Studies have shown that IPE not only improves the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals towards teamwork but also positively impacts patient safety outcomes (Brock et al, 2013; Mahmood et al, 2021). By integrating IPE into healthcare curricula, institutions can better prepare students to navigate the complexities of modern healthcare environments, ultimately leading to improved patient care and safety.

In 2023, Northumbria and Newcastle universities launched the Collaborative Newcastle Universities Agreement (CNUA). A key aspect of the initiative focuses on IPE, underscoring a commitment to enhancing health professional education. Roles for directors of IPE were developed, highlighting the strategic importance placed on IPE. Across both institutions, there are comprehensive programmes covering the full spectrum of health professions, including nursing, midwifery, medicine, physiotherapy, pharmacy, occupational therapy, operating department practice, dietetics, dentistry and more. This initiative aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse roles within health care, promoting effective collaboration and communication among future professionals. By integrating IPE into their curricula, Northumbria and Newcastle universities are dedicated to preparing students for the complexities of modern health care.

There have already been some examples across the universities where students have come together to learn with and from each other. Through immersive experiences such as simulated scenarios, and specific IPE-focused clinical placements, students gain insight into the complexities of collaborative practice. Expanding and integrating IPE activities seamlessly into curricula will ensure that students see its relevance, leading to a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of healthcare disciplines.

As we embark on this exciting collaboration, staff plan to expand the breadth and depth of IPE in the region. This approach will set the expectation that interprofessional collaboration is the norm. Our joint efforts will ensure that future health professionals are not only knowledgeable about their own disciplines but are also adept at working seamlessly with colleagues from various healthcare fields. This commitment to IPE will foster a culture of teamwork and communication, ultimately enhancing the quality of patient care and safety across the region.