
Hill B, Derbyshire J. Blood transfusions: ensuring patient safety. British Journal of Nursing.. 2021; 30:(9)520-524

Letter to the Editor

08 July 2021
Volume 30 · Issue 13

On behalf of NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) Patient Blood Management Team, the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) UK Haemovigilance Scheme and the National Blood Transfusion Committee, I have been asked to raise some concerns regarding the content of this recent article on blood transfusion safety. It is encouraging to see a transfusion-related article in the BJN, and much of the content is valuable; however, we are concerned that there is some misleading information, and out-of-date references and terminology used. Therefore, we have provided some details on some necessary clarifications and suggested improvements.

NHSBT is always pleased to provide information and assistance regarding blood component transfusion.

Thank you for raising these key points. We appreciate your letter recommending a few clarifications and enhancements to our recent blood transfusion article. This article aimed to emphasise the importance of patient care in relation to blood transfusions using an at-a-glance series approach, thus addressing and focusing on key points. The article was delayed due to COVID-19, and consequently had an extended peer review process, and therefore the JPAC guidance from 2014 was noted but the 2020 SaBTO guidelines regarding consent were not as they had not been published. You have raised some valid points and we have made necessary updates using your feedback. Thank you for collectively offering your expertise, it is very much appreciated. We have updated the article accordingly so that our readership can access this, available at 10.12968/bjon.2021.30.9.520.

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