This website is intended for healthcare professionals


The importance of supernumerary status during a pandemic

‘Programme providers must ensure that students are supernumerary during all practice learning. Supernumerary means that the student will not, as part of their programme of preparation, be contracted...

What are nurses worth?

The Government announced in its March budget a reduction in NHS funding and no allocation for a pay increase for nurses. We then found that the Government's recommendation to the Pay Review Body was...

Parity of esteem: what we have learnt from working with the ‘other side’

‘When thinking about providing services that realise parity of esteem, there can be no ‘us and them’ only ‘us’ .

Faecal incontinence: a healthcare taboo

FI is the term used to describe the inability to control the bowels (ICS, 2015). Benezech et al (2016) defined FI as the involuntary loss of flatus (wind) and/or solid or liquid stool through the anal...

Virtual IPE: a brave new world of learning

Students are allocated to multidisciplinary breakout groups within which they can get to know each other, discuss the scenario and make a plan for assessment, treatment and management from each...

Voiding dysfunction and the experience of intermittent self-catheterisation

Voiding dysfunction is relatively uncommon in young women (Mevcha and Drake, 2010) and can often be an incidental finding when investigating another medical condition. The cause of voiding dysfunction...

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