This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Infections without borders: a new coronavirus in Wuhan, China

The reported outbreak in December 2019 of a newly discovered coronavirus in Wuhan, Hubei province, has a possible common exposure link to Wuhan's South China Seafood City market (ECDC, 2020). Lu et al...

Turning your assignment into an article for British Journal of Nursing

BJN is the peer-reviewed journal that brings together nursing practice, education and leadership into one comprehensive resource. In addition to academic material on nursing and hospitals, the...

Malnutrition in the elderly: a public health concern

In the midst of public health messages to tackle the problem of overweight and obesity, however, concern is growing that many elderly people are unknowingly putting themselves at risk of malnutrition.

A vision for nursing in Pakistan: is the change we need possible?

Highly qualified, competent nurses and midwives fulfilling the health needs of the Pakistani population, reducing the burden of disease, producing nurse practitioners with legislative authority,...

Urinary incontinence in women: treatment recommendations

Pelvic floor muscle training is a physical therapy that NICE (2019) has recommended. Decisions about treatment choice will depend on the woman's symptoms and her general health. Lifestyle...

Caring for the older ostomate

Loss of appetite can be caused by a cocktail of medication, mouth ulcers caused by ill-fitting false teeth, a change in circumstances such as bereavement or a move to a nursing home or depression. If...

Helping patients live well with a stoma for inflammatory bowel disease: directions for future research

Early assessment of need and access to appropriate interventions following stoma surgery may facilitate a smoother transition with less disruption across many areas of patients' lives, thereby...

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