Due to the historic lack of career structure and development frameworks for urology nursing (and nursing per se), we need to take our education where we can find it. The UK is now seeing the emergence of several different competency and credentialing frameworks for advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs), which have answered the growing demand for recognition and expectations of levels of practice delivered by such health professionals.
Within urology as a clinical specialism, the Educational Framework for Urological Nursing (EFUN) seeks to provide a similar set of learning outcomes to help us to demonstrate our knowledge and expertise at the defined level. The first iteration of the EFUN has been created and reviewed by our global colleagues in the European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN) and the Australia and New Zealand Urological Nurses Society (ANZUNS) and will soon be available for your appraisal too. As a British Association of Urological Nurses (BAUN) member, you will be involved in the decision-making behind this project so please do look out for important news of this in our forthcoming communications.
Career strategy aside, BAUN also has a number of educational events coming up to provide a solid grounding and well-rounded insight into most areas of urological nursing. Our Summer Educational Event: Essential Urology Skills has everything you need to know about a huge spectrum of urological conditions, from lower urinary tract symptoms management to urological cancers, stones, male genital examination and so much more (see Box). You will learn from experienced clinicians in a friendly environment and you will come away having a sound knowledge base to begin or develop your career in urology.
Being part of the urology nursing community isn't just about sharing knowledge and support (although that's pretty important) but also about being part of something bigger than ourselves. We work in our isolated, disparate services where often we are the only specialist nurse running the service, but when we get together to become part of the BAUN movement, we join forces as part of our shared professional identity. The event on 6 June this year will not only see our face-to-face Essential Urology Skills study day in Newcastle but also our first ever BAUN Day. This will be the day to celebrate all that makes urology nursing so special. We will have competitions and be sharing our members' and Trustees' short videos about urology, so please share them far and wide when you encounter them on social media.
It has been so long since BAUN has been able to hold face-to-face study days. We hope that the Essential Urology Skills event will empower our developing workforce in the way that BAUN clinical workshops have been able to do for those developing their skills in flexible cystoscopy and prostate biopsy.
Very soon, we will also be launching the BAUN annual conference 2024 – this year back in Liverpool. All health professionals with a urological or continence interest are welcome at conference (including student nurses). For further details please visit our website (https://www.baun.co.uk).
BAUN Summer Educational Event: Essential Urology Skills
Thursday 6 June 2024 at the Crowne Plaza Newcastle, Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle NE1 3SA
To register (free to members) visit: https://fitwise.eventsair.com/baunsdconference2024
The event is an excellent opportunity to refresh and update your skills wherever you are in your urology nursing career. The programme includes:
- Assessment of female urinary symptoms
- Tips and tricks for difficult catheterisation and management of catheters
- Care of nephrostomy
- Overview of kidney stone disease
- Painful bladder syndrome investigations, differential diagnosis and treatment
- Assessment of male lower urinary tract symptoms
- How to have sensitive conversations in urology nursing