At our recent conference in June, the National Infusion and Vascular Access Society (NIVAS) presented a white paper that recommends the creation of a national framework for vascular access service teams. We know the difference this structure can make to patients’ safety and experience, and how it can reduce harm and improve outcomes.
Vascular access
Vascular access in all its forms is the most common, invasive procedure patients will experience in healthcare today. From obtaining blood samples to the delivery of intravenous therapy, vascular access is a cornerstone of modern medicine. In order to deliver these therapies, safe and reliable access from peripheral cannulas through to implanted ports is essential.
For many patients, the placement of a vascular access device or the process of taking a blood sample is the only invasive procedure they will experience when in hospital. This can be a difficult or a stressful process if the patient has difficult vascular access. For some patients, the process of achieving vascular access can be traumatic and extremely painful. The true number of patients with difficult intravenous access is unclear because there is no national reporting of this complication. Poor venous access can lead to several complications associated with the number of attempts made to gain IV access and the quality of the device/vein situation after insertion. Often, a more advanced or long-term vascular access device is the best option for the patient.
A dedicated team
Having a nursing-led vascular access service team in place can ensure that the patient achieves the optimal vascular access device for their intravenous therapy, whether that therapy is administered in hospital or in the community.
The focus in recent times has been to promote vessel health. A joint project between NIVAS and the Infection Prevention Society (IPS), has helped to reduce the number of unsuccessful attempts to gain vascular access or obtain a blood sample.
Assessment of the patient's veins and requirements for vascular access, with a focus on placing the best vascular access device as early as possible to achieve one device for the duration of the IV therapy, is becoming more common. This is especially true in those NHS trusts with access to vascular access teams. However, these dedicated teams are not a feature of every trust, and the aim of the white paper is to outline the benefits of introducing hospital vascular access teams and the benefits of a standardised approach that can be adopted throughout the NHS. It is hoped this will enable aspiring vascular access nurses to create successful business cases.
‘Poor venous access can lead to several complications associated with the number of attempts made to gain IV access and the quality of the device/vein situation after insertion’
A 3-year plan
The white paper is just one part of NIVAS's 3-year plan to deliver national guidelines for vascular access and IV therapy produced by experts to support clinical practice for all levels of experience, and finally facilitate a national qualification for vascular access. We hope this will be accredited by a university at level 7.
To learn more about the white paper – The Benefits of a Nursing Led Vascular Access Service Team – you can download an open access copy from the NIVAS website (