Arterial ulcers develop as a consequence of reduced arterial blood flow to the leg, the main cause of which is peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD affects up to 20% of the population aged 60 years...
This service evaluation is designed to assess patient satisfaction and the cost saving realised for commissioners by use of the telephone follow-up service. There is an emerging evidence base that...
The challenges facing the NHS nationally in terms of funding and the logistics of running a range of diverse services are not in question..
A review of critically ill patients fed via an NI tube identified a higher incidence of tube removal of those secured with tape compared with those secured with nasal bridles, 48% versus 13%...
ENPLUGs are silicone plugs inserted into the gastrostomy tract to prevent it from closing when a tube comes out unexpectedly. They are multicoloured, according to French gauge (10-20 Fr) and shaft...
A comprehensive literature search was conducted between March and July 2018. Key words and synonyms (end of life care, terminal care, nurses, challenges, delivering, provision, quality care, acute...
Patients are frequently assessed on their capacity to process, obtain and understand healthcare-related information accompanied by clinical instruction. This is often referred to as ‘health literacy’...
The pelvic floor is vital for routine bodily functions. The muscles of the pelvic floor help to control bladder and bowel movements, support pelvic organs, and help to control intimate sensations in...
Non-stabilised catheters can increase the movement of the catheter inside the bladder, leading to unstable detrusor contractions and muscle spasms. This will increase the incidence of bypassing, pain...
‘… responsible and accountable for the assessment of patients with undiagnosed and diagnosed conditions and for decisions about the clinical management required, including prescribing.’.
‘This work can be extremely challenging as I balance the parents' and child's wishes with the overall aim of allowing the child to live the best and longest life possible with their cystic fibrosis’.
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