This website is intended for healthcare professionals


A team effort during the pandemic

We are all aware of the numerous iterations of guidance that were issued in response to the changes in epidemiological information, growing scientific knowledge, stakeholder feedback and the evolving...

Holding steady in the face of the storm

In March 2020, in order to accommodate COVID-19 intakes, there was pressure to release NHS beds. Elevated COVID-19 rates affected the admission and discharge of patients. The hospital bed management...

How to improve aseptic technique to reduce bloodstream infection during vascular access procedures

‘Sets of evidence-based practices that, when implemented collectively, improve the reliability of their delivery and improve patient outcomes. [They] contribute to infection prevention, reduce...

Evaluating the effectiveness of octenidine-containing wash mitts in reducing infections in intensive care

HCAIs are infections occurring in a healthcare setting that were not present before the patient was admitted, and they remain one of the most common types of adverse events affecting patients (Haque...

Antegrade continence enema stoppers: a pilot study on patient preferences

The study was a prospective cohort study using two time points of evaluation, conducted between June 2019 and August 2020. The authors registered this pilot project as a service evaluation locally...

Developing the Heart Failure Specialist Nurse Competency Framework

In recent years, globally, the profile of the nursing profession has increased and with it the demand for nurses to work at advanced levels of nursing practice, with such roles requiring a range of...

Patients' perceptions and experiences of directly observed therapy for TB

The aim of the study was to understand patients' perceptions and experiences of DOT in tuberculosis treatment, with the following objectives, to:.

An overview of transanal irrigation devices: an update

Before considering TAI, less invasive advice and treatment options must be explored. Only then and once these have proven inadequate should TAI be used (Wilson, 2017). However, Woodward (2017)...

Reducing the risk of urinary tract infections in intermittent self-catheterisation users

A UTI is defined as the presence of bacteria in disproportionate levels, along with symptoms such as urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and cystitis (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence...

Advanced airway management and drug-assisted intubation skills in an advanced critical care practitioner team

The ACCP team has developed over an 8-year period within a conglomerate of three district general hospitals (Heartlands, Goodhope and Solihull hospitals, HGS) comprising 26 critical care beds. The...

Effect of music intervention in colonoscopy-naïve adults: a randomised controlled trial

In all, 337 patients were randomised: 169 to the intervention group and 168 to the control group (Figure 1). Baseline characteristics (gender, age, weight and abdominal pain) were comparable between...

COVID-19 outbreak management in a mental healthcare setting

An outbreak has been defined as two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19, or clinically suspected cases of COVID-19, among individuals associated with a specific setting with onset dates within 14 days...

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