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The association between ethnic background and prostate cancer

10 October 2019
Volume 28 · Issue 18


Prostate cancer is a complex disease which is more prevalent among men of black and minority ethnic (BME) background than their Caucasian counterparts, with men of African-Caribbean background experiencing higher levels of incidence and mortality than any other ethnic group. The reasons behind this health inequality are poorly understood and likely to be multifactorial. Several theories have been posited, including genetic disposition, poorer access to health care, a lack of understanding of the risks posed by prostate cancer and an unwillingness to access mainstream health care. There is, however, a notable disparity between the amount of literature focusing on prostate cancer as it affects those with a BME background and on prostate cancer in general. This further compounds the difficulties encountered by BME men, who rely on health professionals being aware of the greater risk they face. More knowledge and understanding is required by both the general population and medical practitioners to address this health inequality.

Prostate cancer has long been recognised as one of the greatest threats to men's health. However, the increased risk faced by men from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds is less well understood. There is evidence that BME men are both more likely than their white counterparts to develop prostate cancer and less likely to approach health professionals for assessment or treatment, which increases their risk of progression to more advanced disease. This article attempts to understand this added complexity in an already complicated disease.

Prostate cancer poses a serious threat to men's health and is a major issue in health care. Cancer of the prostate is the most common malignancy in men, accounting for almost a quarter of all male cancer diagnoses, and is the cause of 1–2% of overall deaths in men (Attard et al, 2016; Pullar and Shah, 2016). Cancer Research UK (2019) tells us that one in eight men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. This puts it well ahead of lung cancer, which is the second most common cancer in men, with one in 14 men developing that condition.

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