Evaluation of staff training on legislation change in organ and tissue donation
The Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2019—known as Max and Keira's law—has passed through the final legislative process, becoming law in England on 20 May 2020. This law saw organ donation change to an opt-out system. This means that, unless a person has recorded a decision to opt out, is in an excluded group or has nominated someone to make a donation decision for them, it will be considered ‘deemed’ that the individual has agreed to donate their organs.
In order to educate staff involved in organ donation in England on the legislation change, a tri-modular, blended learning approach was developed by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT). Module 1 training began in November 2019 and was completed and evaluated at the beginning of January 2020 (Miller et al, 2020). Module 2 training began in January, with plans to run until the beginning of April 2020. However, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the planned training activities.
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