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Patient Safety

Is patient safety in the NHS fundamentally broken?

‘I'm extremely anxious about maternity services. And what frightens me is the issues we've seen raised in relation to Nottingham and Kent – I think [they] are a risk factor right across the NHS, and...

A professional and legal duty to keep up to date

It will be impossible for any nurse or doctor to analyse everything that is relevant to their clinical practice area. They do, however, owe patients a legal duty of care and part of this will be the...

Manifestos for a safer NHS

A fundamental question I also ask when considering election manifestos is how much control governments have over NHS patient safety culture development. Governments come and go, as do patient safety...

Changing the culture around hospital-based nutrition

The aim was to develop a wide, multifactorial collaborative approach to reduce the risk of such incidents recurring following a serious event..

The enormity of the NHS patient safety culture development challenge

Improvement recommendations are made after a patient safety crisis, often repeated ones, but the system does not change much or at all. Errors are repeated, lessons go unlearnt. This might seem a...

Patient empowerment: the need to go beyond buzzwords

When we use concepts such as patient empowerment, we need to be as specific as we can about what we mean and understand about the term. We don't want the words to be just seen as a convenient ‘clarion...

Martha's Rule and NHS patient safety

One issue she discusses are the professional silos and hierarchies, for example:.

Determining what good looks like in patient safety

In a clinical negligence case, for example, the court must carefully unpack and analyse the level of care given to determine whether there was any negligence. Lawyers discuss with clinical experts the...

Patient safety in the NHS: now is the time for optimism

‘It would be quite wrong to conclude that the NHS as an organisation is incapable of learning and improving, but the evidence suggests that learning generally takes a long time and that...

Clinical negligence litigation and the NHS: focusing on the injured patient

I see this happening in some debates about reforming clinical negligence litigation. We often hear clarion calls for clinical negligence reform and the need to safeguard scarce NHS resources, which is...

Facing the consequences of poor record keeping and communication

Never Event data show the issues of poor NHS communication strategies in a tragic light. Many of these terrible events would not have happened had good communication strategies been in place. NHS...

Pressing issues in healthcare digital technologies and AI

‘If it is rolled out widely, scientists say people will be able to diagnose themselves with the illness without going to the doctor and costs for the NHS should fall.’

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