Metasynthesis is a systematic and comprehensive scientific inquiry that takes and integrates all the findings across a set of reports, resulting in a complete description of the experience under...
Children's nursing in the UK can be seen to have been through six broad phases in the modern era. These are not necessarily discrete stages, since the development of children's nursing has been...
Max, a 65-year-old gentleman with no prior past medical history, had been admitted to the emergency department as a ‘resus pre-alert’ at the beginning of this admission 1 week previously. Ambulance...
One option the authors suggest for consideration is that nursing homes do not always require the physical presence of a nurse, but rather, ‘appropriate access to nursing’ could be provided digitally,...
In April 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a reduction in clinical placement capacity. This affected student learning opportunities, including reducing opportunities to apply theory to practice in...
Digital health is rooted in electronic health (e-health) and the two concepts are often used interchangeably. In his early work, Eysenbach (2001) defined e-health as an:.
To enable RNAs to take on these more complex skills, they complete a 2-year foundation degree, which provides them with the underpinning evidence-based theory and opportunity to apply the theory to...
This project was undertaken as a locally registered quality improvement project, and further ethical approval was not required.
Clinical supervision plays an important role in the provision of quality nursing care and has been promoted for nurses in the NHS for some years (Driscoll et al, 2019). The practice is associated with...
There has, in recent years been what has been described as a ‘modern renaissance’ (Heron et al, 2018b) of tabletop games and a rise in what can be described as designer board games with an increasing...
A literature search enabled the identification of relevant studies to be included in this review. Computerised databases including CINAHL, Medline and Cochrane were searched, with appropriate key...
The project is a collaboration between a pre-registration nursing student and academic staff at Liverpool John Moores University, who make up the project team. The aim has been to, first, undertake a...
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